The song that did it or the one that you can't leave alone

I see that there’s a good selection of them in the Outstanding Version thread that I’m gonna have to check out. It’d be cool if they busted out a reprise. Wonder why they don’t.


Used to be the best UM offered when they were at their best.

Greatest feeling was seeing an N2F go unfinished earlier in the show because you knew you were guaranteed a great peak later on.


Yeah I feel like there’s been one since 3/10/16


Is it something they’ll announce or fans find out when they see the setlists sheets?

The 2x2 and DBK from wakarusa 2010. I had been seeing them causally for a couple years by then but kinda had the mantra of is they were in town, it’s give me an opportunity to get completely wrecked at a show and have a good time. It was something about the right cocktail of L and Molly and having just the most solid group of people around me while they blasted into the peak of 2x2 It made me realize that I had found something special to me. Took another couple doses and they really set in during the DBK jam and then the > Time will always be cemented in my brain as like I want to do this for the rest of my life.


DBK jam is fun to listen to at 5 am.

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It’s a repeat stew as well. I would have never known that if I didn’t actually delve so far into their catalogue after this weekend and found the depth their fandom goes.

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4/3/08 love all the way. Tied for by my best seen UM show with 11/10/06 and 10/9/08
My moment was kinda spread out. Caught UM opening for moe. at Jazzfest in 03. Thought they were incredible. Caught them at moe.down later that year but then saw two shows on their own: Athens 10/4/03 and Bham 3/17/04. Was completely on the train at that point. Did 3/7/05 through 3/11/05 and that is still the best run I’ve ever seen a band do (4 lyrical stews in 5?) Then got jaded around 2013. I am impressed with most of what I’ve been hearing this year though.
Gonna spin that 4/3/08 3x now.


That March 05 SE run was indeed incredible Gus!

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In regards to N2F reprises… I just listened to 07/31/2008. That whole show is the tits. The Stew/Reprise segment is especially good.

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Listen to 6/30/07 and 8/26/07 fancy reprise


Dont listen to Perren. He has no idea what he’s talking about.


Will report back.

I liked them both. 6/30/07 was trippy and bliss rolled into 1.The 08/31/07 N2F/Divisions thing was pretty nifty. Thanks for the recs.

Let’s talk about my favorite good ol’ partytime song, Front Porch. Easily, my favorite song and it’s not even close. 3 different spots for an improv, the semi-regular Reso appearance, and the goofy ass lyrics actually reminds me of my youthful days.


These are some of my favorites, but there’s a lot more that I find enjoyable. I counted 30 different FPs throughout my 74 playlists. So… yeah, I like it a bit.

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Have you listened to 1/25/13?? If not you should


Oh yeah. That Jessica jam starts it off real good. The next time they played it was 04/27/13 and that is a blast to listen to also.

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The damn ice storm about fucked everything this show. The drive from Charlotte to Raleigh was ruff. Interstate completely frozen over. Going like 40 max. Then they delivered my favorite Booth Love and one of my favorite front porch’s ever. Great times. The venue wasn’t packed at all. Crazy this was almost 10 years ago

I peeled off after Charlotte to go back to SAV instead of
Raleigh. Another one I’ve kicked myself not going to.

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