Rockjavik: A 3 night run in Iceland

Do you guys think the VFJ song is still on the table tho??? I threw cash directly to Sultz for it and am just waiting on the band to record it


Maybe heā€™s just acting, like Depp playing Jack Sparrow


I know youā€™re joking but what is the story behind this ā€œsongā€ I keep hearing about?


He stole peoples money on that raptor board, he said his best friends Umphreyā€™s were going to record song about the raptors, and he keeps telling everyone he is sober but actually the song money went up his nose.

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The band had an ebay auction to write a song for the winner. It ended up going for about $10K. Sultan and some VfJers formed a group to try and pool up the same amount to have a song written for them. Sultan was supposedly in contact with the band about it while the group tossed around astoundingly stupid ideas (prehistoric funk, raptors ripping bongoes, etc). It never went anywhere.


iā€™m all for trashing dirtbags, but i didnā€™t think money was actually collected.

i very well could be wrong, but if he didnā€™t actually take money, then this aspect is false. if he did collect money, iā€™d assume weā€™d have a million screenshots of people asking for it back months before there were screenshots of him creeping on ladies


No money was ever collected

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If you want the full story start around here

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Oh man I forgot some of these gold posts

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I could care less what he did or didnā€™t do, that guy is a worthless sack of shit. Canā€™t wait to get groove safe involved next show I see him at.



Look at the dick on this guy!


They are there to help right? The most I could do is get drunk, punch in the face, get kicked out of venue.


Im just talking shit. But idk man. I could think of a few ways to get at Sultan without telling the teachers.

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the line of thinking should be ā€œI hope I never see him againā€

ā€œcanā€™t wait to see him to getā€¦ā€ is weak. Dudeā€™s living rent free in 50% of the bortā€™s head. Last thing I want to do at an UM show is think about Sultan. Itā€™s bad enough Iā€™m already at the show.


More importantly did anyone know this guy was still alive? Remember his MTV show.

Getting thrown out of an UM show for smacking that clown wouldnā€™t be the worst thing in the world.

Cant wait to party with you dawg!

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Itā€™s gonna be the best, canā€™t wait for mid-50s and no snow on the ground. and of course shotgunning bud heavys in the AM.

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Same weather in Detroit today. This weather fuckin sucks, so over winter.
