Random, Spontaneous Thoughts about UM (Part 1)

@Sand_King started it on here, but I had ran it on the oldnubort, so I’m definitely down to run it if he’s not up for maintaining it.

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thanks guys, it is good to know i’m not crazy for having thought this was out there in some fashion

I posted it for purposes of posterity. I will defer to you as you seem much more knowledgeable than I at tracking the repeated stews.

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what spawned the query, was a friend asking about stews which became no comment as he is certain he had heard that tune long before the no comment debut.

No Comment was originally called Pop Tart and I should be in that repeated stew thread somewhere

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I made the original Repeated Stew list. I have zero desire to maintain that shit anymore, I did all the work that mattered hahahaha


Sounds good @Sand_King.

Correct, and for that I’m most appreciative


If you’re feeling meh about the lack of jams in tonight’s stream check out the Women Wine and Song from 12.30.05.

What are some super HQ Jamttachments? I’m really digging the St Augustin one on the HoF 2018. More recs would be much appreciated.

Super dig this jam. I was super dehydrated during the end of this set though. So for NYE, I wore a pair of those pants that unzip to shorts. Such a key move. I won.

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This is one of the most overrated jams in my opinion, never gotten the hype. I’ll throw it on this morning to see what I’m missing but I don’t get it.


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I’ve always loved it, but I must admit I haven’t heard it for a while. It fit into the FF jams that had been popping up since the February before.

Man that’s a show I haven’t seen referenced in forever. It was 3-4 of my friend’s first and I was on the fence but my first would eventually be 2/10/06. We were all 16 and I ended up giving them all a ride home from the train when they got back. I remember them putting the UM Live on in my car and playing this jam. The UM Live thing broke my brain how you could walk out of a show with CDs of said show. The plunger is also a scorcher if I remember correctly or maybe dump city?

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My first two shows were 12/30/05 and 2/10/06. My favorite show of all time is the 2/10/06, so many quality jams, a killer setlist, and I was 16 and just had a blast. I re-listen to that august,great american, HBB, FF and Thin air allll the time. Plus it has a fancy>sludge


The infamous kids in the front row pic is from 12/30/05 if I recall.


Yeah I love this one. First five mins of this jam is sublime.

8/31/18, 8/18/18, 2/16/19 and 3/23/19, and 6/22/19 are the good ones…
