Random, Spontaneous Thoughts about UM (Part 1)

Metallica and PJ have been running a lot of nugs specials. Metallica last year had it up for $3 a month at one point. I think I got in on one of the PJ ones and paid $20 for the past year

i respect that for sure. throwaway email addresses certainly have their place.

though, on the back end, is that you can then filter & route based on the “sent to …+texthere” aspect of the TO:address

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Alternatively, any version of your gmail username with or without periods will be sent to you as well. chicagostylehotdog@gmail.com, chicago.style.hot.dog@gmail.com, and c.h.i.c.a.g.o.s.t.y.l.e.h.o.t.d.o.g@gmail.com would all work the same.

And I think you can filter those the same way you would with the +XXXX method.


I’m on a Wappy kick now. 9/16/2011 is definitely GOAT. Forgot how great the peak in this 7/30/10 one is

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UM starts a GoFundMe for the boys to get better internet/cameras/etc.

KB goes in the vaults and releases SBDs of shit no one has, along with missing UM years on Archive/UMLive. 2005 shit, Mulberry 08, etc. Along with other demos and stuff. Kinda like the Mantis preorder.

UM performs an all improv set ala, NYE 07 soundboard jam and Moogfest improv set, with electronic equipment, samplers, Moogs, etc.

I mean the Roots and Jimmy Fallon are doing it. Why can’t UM?


Is there a good video of something cool like the complete CBGB show? There was extensive footage on the UM10 thing. Were no shows videotaped from the SBD 05-08 that can be mixed with the SBD recordings? We don’t need 10 different multi-cam shot shows, it honestly would just be really cool if there were actually shows “from the vault” vs shows that were streamed via nugs…

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Sync the HOF albums with video and SBDs. That’s 9 weeks of fun, and we can bitch on here about how our favorite stand out jams missed the cut each year from 2010-2018.

I still support a Patreon/GoFundMe where we donate and are rewarded with uncut gems we have never seen/heard.

You’ll get a recording of KB reading his wikipedia out loud. (in MP3HD, no less)


Spend your trust fund on it!

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Duh! Just patiently waiting for it.

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Always been partial to 9/4/09 myself

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I noticed that they did a dub version of Wife Soup on 7/30/10. Is this the only one?

I think it came from UMBowl that year. They did it a few times. That one has a pretty solid jam too

Oh god that reminds me of the “funk” DBK

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Funk DBK was an atrocity. Only good thing it brought was the debut of GiB in the middle. Otherwise it was truly terrible

Where did Speak Up originate from? Can’t find it in the repeat stews. I know they debuted it on NYE in '15, but I could have sworn it was on a Raw Stewage ballot for UMBowl that year

in that same vein, is there an accessible list of stews (repeated or not) which yielded songs?

I don’t think the means justify the ends. Funk DBK might be my least favorite thing UM has ever done and I have never heard anyone so much as rate it “meh.” Pure vitriol across the board.

There used to be. Might be able to find it on the wayback

That was one of the things I grabbed when the old bort popped back up for a few random hours one day after it was shut down for a few weeks.


I think I shared this on the old nubort (or whatever we’re calling that temporary one before we moved here), so you’ll probably find it in the database that root shared, too.

Somebody who will be more attentive than me at maintaining that repeated stew list should start that thread. In my opinion, that’s one of the best lists things to come out of the bort that I’ve seen.