I was hoping for a Mud, Puppies, Fisherman encore but still a solid show. They’re so good
Also scored a free ticket dead center in front of the SBD. Raged S1 with @Atmosforman
I was hoping for a Mud, Puppies, Fisherman encore but still a solid show. They’re so good
Also scored a free ticket dead center in front of the SBD. Raged S1 with @Atmosforman
Im really excited to catch them I’m Milwaukee in a few weeks. Never seen Les so pretty pumped! Hoping for a too many pups
Pumped to see these guys in a couple weeks at the summerfest grounds. Outdoor show by the lake in the fall sounds great.
Shows postponed again!
Lol well I guess my Friday just opened up again.
Yeah they postponed Vegas too. Kinda weird they’re moving this many dates without announcing the whole tour is being moved
Is it covid related? Damn guys that blows. I was only able to see a show this tour because the biscuits undersold new Haven and had to cancel. So glad I caught one though because they crushed that Rush set. Hope y’all can make the make up date
Yeah, someone in the touring crew tested positive. Wisconsin, Iowa & Kansas City shows postponed until next summer. I’ve had these tix in hand for almost 2 years now.
Phew. Bay Area remains alive.
Damn I really hope the Denver dates don’t move. Been really looking forward to seeing both Black Mountain and Primus
Blows my mind how this is even possible. You never went to any festivals with Primus or anything?
I am incredibly bummed for you that this Milwaukee date got moved. Primus is one of my personal favorite live acts. Just everything about them live is so perfect and weird and awesome.
lmfao what do you MEAN youve NEVER seen LES??
I mean, yeah. Pretty much my reaction, spot on
Yeah, I dont go to many festivals, besides really Summerfest, 80/35, and some smaller ones here and there. It took me a while to get into him. The last 3 years have been full on the Les train.
I was really looking forward to taking some L on this beautiful fall day and drowning myself in lake Michigan after the show.
I’ve never seen Primus live but I saw Les play with Eric McFadden and some Lagunitas employee on table steel and holy shit it was fun.
Damn that sounds incredible.
I have probably seen Primus about 10ish times now, but the best by far was at the Fox Theater in Boulder, which is 625 capacity. I was right on the rail in front of Les, and it was insane to see him from that close.
It was awesome. I’ve only been to one event with “surprise musical performance” and it fully delivered. Lagunitas Beer Circus is a fuckin vibe.
I’d bet it would be nuts to see him play at his winery.