
Bringing our oldest during the day to romp around with the goats. Kids 12 and under are free

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Thanks Chris. I’d still say I’m insufferable but I’ve always enjoyed hanging with you, and especially those toes.

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Plus, I like the fact that a lot of people dont get it. Plays to the dark side theme.

Can also kang that @ski-bUM doesn’t like to dance. He stayed seated for an entire biscuits show. Impressive tbh


This seems solid. Honestly surprised more NA festivals didn’t snag Dua Lipa. Pretty good variety here imo

@PEN1S_ISLAND - does ACL typically have a pretty good selection of afters/late night shows? Would love to do a house/techno night at concourse project or something of that nature

One of my buddies recently moved down there so the group chat is making some moves already

I had never even seen the name Dua Lipa until last week on the bort. Now i see the name at the top of ACL Festival lineup

I feel so in the dark. Will have to check out

That’s pretty nuts. Her 2020 album was well received and played everywhere


Dua is bae


Yea, i dont really drive a ton or listen to the radio. Been off social media for over 3 years now

I am sure i have heard some. Just did a google search and can also confirm i have never even seen a picture of this person in my life

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You’ve for sure heard of lua dipa tho right?

Go listen to Houdini that is a good start

Is that her side-project where she mixes inverted Biscuits tracks?



It was a decent joke. I realized after i posted that i thought you wrote “dipa lua.” It still works, but my brain was trying to respond too fast

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Take my laughter bruh, take it deep


Concourse usually does some afters those weekend since the festival grounds close at like 11. Can’t say for certain but they tend to bring in big names for the masses that wanna keep partying after.

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Nice, I looked back at their calendar last year and they had shows both Fri and Sat of the ACL weekends. Probably gonna decide between this and Arc

I had a blast seeing STS9 at concourse when i was visiting my buddy last year

I love Austin. People like to bitch that it has gotten too big, and it has, but its a top-tier city

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To each their own. Just love the food, music, and the amount of outdoor activities in the heart of the city

You dont get that many places