2023 JOTY Discussion

Top 3 of the year for me w/ 1/14 Silent Type and 2/4 Draconian


I love the background stuff bayliss is doing in that draco

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1/14 silent type is my #1 so far


My top 10 jams in order so far

  1. 1/14 Silent Type
  2. 2/4 Draco
  3. 1/21 Escape Goat
  4. 1/29 Wappy
  5. 2/25 Mantis
  6. 2/2 Reso
  7. 1/29 U Fir
  8. 2/23 BLBC
  9. 1/12 Milk
  10. 2/25 Wappy

I don’t think there are any really glaring omissions here. None of the 2x2 or Plunger’s have really stood out to me. Melodic dance jams have been my favorites so far. Glad to see Atmosfarag getting the treatment multiple times so far even though I wouldn’t HoF any of them. Same with IDM, I could probably talk myself into one of them cracking this list, as well as Ft Wayne #5 and Tribute.


1/27 Mantis would definitely make my top 10 but I like your list.

Edit: I’m crunk @WhoDatVols Mantis


I went and double checked and figured it was the Mantis. I enjoyed it just don’t get excited about revisiting. This Vegas one is a bruiser though

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I must be the only one who wasnt super high on that Draconian. They do hit a really nice groove there for a bit, though, and it certainly deserves some praise.

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Also did you listen to Anaheim AIT? Sounds like it would be your shit. Awesome jam.

I’m the only one who likes the Rocker 2 from Cleveland. Really enjoy what Joel does in that jam.


Just listened to the Anaheim AIT, it is indeed very good. This JaJunk is also pretty awesome.

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I definitely liked it but didn’t necessarily love it. I blazed through the California jams so it wouldn’t hurt for me to check it out again

Nice list, I would have to have 2/24 AIT in the top 3 or 4 and would probably find a slot for 1/19 2x2 as well.

That Cleveland Wappy is so dirty, def top 5 of the year.

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I was going back through the 2x2 jams and while they were all solid none of them really jumped out at me but I definitely hear where you are coming from

Looks like I need to give this AiT another listen to see if it cracks my list

Also Philly Attachments is pretty solid as well. Had a hard time passing that one up


Def in my top 10 and probably the most unique jam of the year.

Edit: Wait I was referring to the one from last weekend.


Stasik is definitely playing white pickle/yoga pants whatever you like to call during that jam

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I like that one as well. That second set is tons of fun

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With all of these quality jams, is 2023 on pace to be better than 2019?

I feel like they are really clicking and haven’t had too many duds of a show. I know there is still plenty of time left…

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The 2019 Jan + Feb highlights still blow these out of the water. 2023 is good but not pacing with 2019 IMO

I would disagree with you there. So far this year is just as good and if you go back to the Dillon, CO show last summer, that’s about 9 months of UM that is every bit as good as 2019.

That Dillon show was such a big turning point for them. Since then the quality & quantity of improv and consistency of shows has been so high. As meh of an album as AFAF is, it has clearly re-energizef the band in a big way