Welcome Everyone!

the minimum asking price of thebort.com is now 1687 which is a bit lower than it used to be.

I think it’d be really cool if we could raise some funds and get that domain when its closer to a thousand…then just have both thebort.com and the-bort.com land here.

If nothing else, we might could pick up a few fans who don’t have social media and slipped through the cracks.

Maybe I am alone in thinking this is a worthy thing to do, but it makes sense to me

This looks and works smoothly! Great work! You are appreciated! :kissing_heart:

This was not an unwelcome email


Now it’s starting to feel like home!

This is looking great. Thanks root!

Is there a reason why the system is automatically removing the quotes from replies? I just tried quoting someone and it was automatically edited out: 2019/12/31 - The Fillmore - Denver, CO

If you quote an entire post it automatically removes it… very strange. If you quote partial it will let you.

only if its a quote from a post that is directly above you.

Word thanks @UMFree that’s exactly what is going on… seems like a weird setting to have enabled but whatever

Discourse doesn’t like the way we Bort, but I’m here to tell Discourse that I don’t like the way it msgboard’s. Tellin us we can’t post quotes from above us and we gotta post in complete sentences an shit. What is this? A Celine Dion board??

Now this is looking like the bort I love again. Glad it’s back.


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I wondered why one of my quoted posts was automatically edited. Also, do you all like the ability to see people’s edits (yellow pencil icon)? I’ve found it amusing.

Haha yeah I’d support scrapping the ability to view edits…

alright, editing views should be gone now, and i changed a bunch of quote settings so if yall dont like it don’t blame me!

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sweet. Although, I did find it pretty hilarious to be able to see people’s edits like that.

Also, I hope no one takes my bitching seriously. Only about 30% of what I say on this board should be taken seriously. And that’s a generous percentage.

Thanks as always, root!

Click on your avatar > click on your username > Preferences > Interface > Theme: Dark


Also, you can change your default homepage from categories to latest, or another view if you’d like.


Hell yeah, man!! Thanks!

I had tried to find a way to do that, but hadn’t found it in that spot yet.

So much better. :facepunch: :beers:

Dark mode everything ftw

Can we remove the three consecutive replies limit?

Is there a way to stop getting emails for new replies? I swear I’m not hitting anything different.

Nevermind I figured it out.

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