UM "You Pick 2" Tier List

Songs with the most consensus

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Rank users by their average rating so we know who the resident cynics and fluffers are.


I’m trying to get this going but it’s not leading to the results I feel like it should, gonna have to experiment more.

This should be easy enough to do. I’ll add it to the list.

I like this idea a lot but it’d be a pain to aggregate all that data…not impossible, but a lot more tracking that I was planning on. I’ll have to think about it.


You mean you don’t want to parse through the API to get poll voters?

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Lol, my brain just broke looking at that.

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On that note, with user data you could normalize ratings per user and re-calculate the song result. That is, a user who rates a song as D but only rates other songs as C, D, and F would mean something different than from a user who primarily rates S, A, B.

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That sounds insane.

Without user data, one could identify outlier votes and choose to include or eliminate them for the results.

It would have the same effect of eliminating the fluffers who give Whistle Kids an A and the haters who give 2x2 a D.

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Or if there is no variability for a user, say all C ratings, we can say fuck off

We’re all a bunch of @ass holes at heart, but I trust nobody is out to sabotage this little project.

If we wanted to track user responses, these forum polls are not the best method to do it.

There’s probably a google form or something similar where every answer is traced back to a user and would make the data tracking a lot smoother.

I envy your optimism of this place

Ok, so after an @ass load of digging I determined that neither standard deviation or variance are the correct methods of determining “Controversial” (or “Consensus” since that’s basically the inverse), but learning how to calculate consensus opinion is the best means to this end. Unfortunately there is no handy excel formula for determining consensus, like there is for standard deviation and variance. Fortunately though a number of scientific papers have been written on it and they determined the formula for consensus to be the below, which I’ve worked into my data and appears to be accurate (or at least as accurate as I can hope to get).





Dear lord a C? Really?

It’s pretty but kinda a boring composition imo

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Fussy Dutchman > Dear Lord


I can get behind this but DL a C?

It’s OK, but not my favorite.

Fussy is an easy A-minimum tier song.