The Psych / Garage / Lo-Fi Thread

band rules, all their stuff is worth checking out. love this split with woods:


This is actually how I found Dungen. I absolutely love Woods.

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A Dungens track popped up on my Discover weekly last week and I really liked I forgot it was them before checking in here. Really good stuff!

Discovered another great Swedish band today - Den Stora Vilan. This is the only album I’ve listened to so far however it is fantastic. Extremely mellow psychedelic vibes, sometimes surfer rock-esque. Excited to explore the rest of their catalog. Kinda wish I spoke Swedish:

Side note: the opening track isn’t necessarily my favorite and don’t really think it is a great representation of the rest of the album. So if you’re gonna give it a try at least make it past that one.

revisiting this album tonight. always puts me in a good mood.

for fans of real estate and wild nothing.


Yeah Beach Fossils is solid

excellent stoner/acid jam.

Stumbled upon GUM today. A project from the drummerof Pond/Tame Impala

Pretty cool album. Need to listen to more.

I don’t think I knew there was any link between Tame Impala and Pond. I love their record Hobo Rocket. Will check out GUM for sure.

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Kevin Parker actually played drums in Pond, right? And guitar in Tame Impala?

Edit: Damn, it looks like Kevin Parker and Jay Watson are in both bands.

Looks like Parker is a former member but still works with the band:

…current Tame Impala members Kevin Parker, Cam Avery, and Julien Barbagallo are all former members of Pond, with Parker continuing to work with the band as its record producer and Avery collaborating with Allbrook as the duo Allbrook/Avery.

Yah I’m big on Pond, not so much Tame Impala though. I have trouble getting past how much their lead singer sounds like Australian John Lennon.

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What records do you like the most? I absolutely love Hobo Rocket but feel like other albums I’ve listened to haven’t really grabbed me like Hobo did.

Agree 100%

I love Pond but love TI more. Kevin Parker is a genius and I really enjoy how his tastes and influences seem to be changing along with my own. Umphrey’s should take note.

Very pissed that the TI ter got COVID’d because my little bro splashed out to get us tickets for my birthday.

@james Man It Feels Like Space Again is a phenomenal record


This and I also really like The Weather. But what I find myself listening to the most is actually the live one.

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Listened to more GUM tonight. Didn’t even realize a new album came out just a couple weeks ago. Anyway really liked it and think many of you will dig it too…

I do not know how I passed on listening to the War on Drugs for so long. I am swooning over their sound lately. The distorted ambient guitar tone is really unique, lead singer has a great voice. Excellent ability to craft some very well produced songs that have a ton of intricacies.

The melodies and song writing is definitely creating a sound that is consistently unique to their style. At the same time, I hear a bit of Tom Petty’s songwriting influence on these guys, but in a totally non-americana way. Something about the vocal inflections and cadence of their music always brings me back to his style, even though it sounds nothing like a Tom Petty song. I cant figure out what exactly it is that I’m hearing.

Looks like they havent put out a new album since 2017, heres to hoping that there is something in the pipeline. Their discography is really solid.


I never really got into War on Drugs either but I’ve always loved Kurt Vile. Know he only did one album with the band, but that made me start exploring War on Drugs a bit more earlier this year. I liked what I heard. Thanks for the reminder to listen to more.

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