The Phish Quiz

I’m on vacation. Will be on my phone

All good. You’ll be fine.

@jwelsh8 and @cryan024, are you guys in for tonight? If not we can find another day.

I should be available for a “Dry” run. Not sure what to expect, to be honest.

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Assuming last night didn’t happen. Lmk when to expect

It’s tonight, after Dinner and a Movie. Should be around 10 pm.

Lol. I’m on vacation

You’re still in, right?

Think I’m going out tonight tbh. Doing some drinking and pier fishing. Eating dinner now. I can maybe jump on the zoom call on mobile around 10ish. Still post the link and I will try to join!

So are we doing it tonight or are we waiting for a different night?

We’re doing it. I’ll get you guys a link in about 5 min. Start at 10.

Wait do we gotta be on video and shit? Lol i thought we were just doin it here

I’m not going to force people to be in video, but you will need to speak at times.

Ohhh damn dude im sorry man im not feelin all that tonight like i said i thought it was gonna be like a sheep game on here my bad


Yeah im an idiot lol

For real though im down if we wanna wait til this weekend. My house is just super quiet right now with my daughter tryin to go to bed

Stupid reading comprehension

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Well If @StoneJackBaller can’t make it then we’re down to 3 people…

I am definitely still down, but if people need to wait until another day I get it.