The Goose Is Loose

That is what my buddy and i thought at first too.

When we realized what was going on it led to lots of laughter and a full blown Steve Wilkos Show rabbit hole late night because we kept screaming “steeeeeeeeeveeeeee.”

Insider news. Last year. You love it.

Goose shaking down shakedown.

I’ve always been ok with the Goose boys despite not really liking their music after seeing a couple shows. But this…this is fucking lame.


$500 and 15% of sales. Lmao eat shit.

Love how they also make you have insurance to vend too. None of these vendors even know how to apply for insurance. Turning a a free wook marketplace into a taxed and regulated marketplace. So fucking lame.


I’m guessing one of their dads works for a hedge fund or something.


Goose’s rich daddies watching wooks with $20 in their pocket selling $1 grilled cheeses that they bought with their EBT cards



I filled out an application.


They will sell you the insurance!


One of their dads works for a hedge fund, one is a lawyer and one is a big wig for some insurance company. It all makes sense


Can we just rename to “The Other Jamband Cringe Thread?”


Wait. Is this for people vending outside? Or if you pay this, do you get a spot inside?

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Outside. They are trying to control Shakedown basically. This band is a fucking joke.


Goose fans are so dumb they probably think the band is so innovative and ahead of their time by doing this. Almost like KB came up with this idea.


Friend of mine who knows that venue pretty well said that it’s the venue’s call to do this and that there will still be regular vendors setup in the parking lot?

Goose is posting on social that it’s not their call, it’s the venue’s?


A few of my homies from college did like five of the Europe shows. Geeseeks I like to call them.

I find it pretty hilarious how many heads this band lives in rent free. Everyday on PT you see several new threads (often by one specific poster I will admit) related to the latest outrage around Goose or their fanbase. My stance on Goose softened once I saw Ben with Umphreys. I appreciate people like him stepping in and helping my favorite band keep chugging along while they are a man down. I missed my chance to see Goose nearly two years ago now. At first there was some genuine interest then it turned into more of the hive mind disgust and now it’s shifted to apathy. Who cares if Goose is successful? So what if their parents are all wealthy? How the fuck does Goose affect me other than possibly siphoning off a percentage of the collective disposable income that went towards Umphreys tickets in the past? That’s honestly the only negative I can think of and it’s actually a positive because we can catch Umphreys at more intimate venues and they are playing with a chip on their shoulder now from my perspective. Goose’s success is good for Umphreys. A rising tide raises all ships…


I don’t understand why they live rent free in so many people’s heads either. While they aren’t my favorite band, far from it, I’m happy to see something taking off that is adjacent to things I do love. This isn’t Pigeons Playing Ping Pong where I totally get the hate.


Seeing people enjoy Goose makes me absolutely sick to my stomach.


Hampton makes outdoor vendors pay? News to me

Goose sucks? Old news

I dont know if this is normal or not.

I dont know all the vending rules at various venues lots as i am not a massive wook.