Support the Bort

I could probably help, depending on what exactly it entails

Make a spreadsheet, run the patreon, add up numbers, make a post about it once a month

You already do a lot around here tho and I donā€™t want you to burn out so def donā€™t feel obligated. We can sign someone else up

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Maybe your job @opsopcopolis could be finding someone to do the job lol

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I would assume he has a calculator function.


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Iā€™m down to help out. @stringz PM me deets


Sorry if this question has been answered already but if I want to make a one time donation instead of paying for a monthly subscription how does that work? It looks like the only patreon option is monthly payment plans.

Itā€™s possible, just have to work it out w/Root.

Itā€™s how Iā€™ve done it thus far. Just sent 2 larger payments directly. Not a big fan of small monthly withdrawals from my bank account.

Easier for me to keep track of when I just send what I can once or twice a year.

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you can edit in patreon. I initially signed up for the silver monthly choice, and then changed it to a single lump sum rather than a monthly set up.


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Thank you ! Not losing money doing side projects is more fun than losing money doing side projects. Hereā€™s to many more years :hugs:

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did you just drop a bistro huddy link?

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Yes. Luhh dat shit. Roll tide

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great account, dude cracks me up.

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MP? Whats that stand for? Making up Prices?!

Sorry if I shouldnā€™t be on the bort. I was banned as umphate. I apologize for the confusion I caused anyone and everyone. Feel free to advise accordingly, but I would greatly appreciate another chance to contribute and collaborate with the best fans in the world in a productive manner. Umphate was too sarcastic, Mihali.

please mods, do the funniest shit ever and ban him again. fucking loser.


Sorry gonna have to check with @bluish


Ask the government, Brendan

Umphate was fried and by the looks of your second post youā€™re still mentally cooked.

Scottie doesnā€™t Bort.