Rockjavik: A 3 night run in Iceland

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Tauking McGee covering Foo


Kris on vox


Probably killing it


Interesting. I guess there’s space and the stage should have a nice mountain backdrop if I’m not mistaken

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We need to get some traction on Alaska dates. I can’t believe I’m looking at $800+ flights to BWI for the Delaware show in July….Alaska is much more affordable for me!

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I mean, it wasn’t a memorable venue in any way for venue’s sake… was more of the fun and novelty of being in Alaska for a show, the midnight sun (it was our first night there and such a trip to end a show at close to midnight outside and it being fully light), and just a great crowd—locals were so stoked to have a notable, touring band in town. That and just delicious beer fresh from the brewery all night.

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You’ve still got a 2 hour drive to DE from BWI too, there’s a small airport in Salisbury, MD that would put you very close but I can’t imagine that cost.

Made it to hofn just east of jokurlson lagoon. Very beautiful drive. Got free tix for the late night last night, hung with @Jolson and @chicagostylehotdog and their wives, partied hard, up til 5, then drove 5.5 hours this morning. Wasn’t too bad, but the morning started rough until we got some coffee, hot dogs and fries. Had a blast, y’all rock, UM rocks, Iceland rocks. Glacier hike tomorrow then vik, sky lagoon Wednesday then a week in amsterdam.


Anyone see any aurora besides from the plane?

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No, but the next two nights look promising with clouds clearing up.


Haven’t yet. Hoping tonight in hofn or tomorrow in vik

The hotel were at in Vik has massive windows to see them. No luck so far. It’s been very cloudy, so I’m. It getting my hopes up :man_shrugging:t3:

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Are hot dogs popular there?


Was thinking the same thing. Seems to be the case, as I’ve never seen so much hot dog chatter around any other destination event like this.


Hot dogs are a big thing in Scandinavia/Northern Europe in general

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I think they use lamb in their hot dogs in Iceland


It’s true.