Random, Spontaneous Thoughts about UM (Part Pee)

I’d throw the 11/04/2006 set 2 opening segment in there….35+ minutes of fire to start the set.

Snucka-> Triple Wide-> Snucka

Such a great show all around. First set opens with a similar 35+ minute Ocean-> Blecho-> Billy. Just a stacked show top to bottom. As bomb as that 11/02/2006 show is, I still think the MKE show takes the trophy for best overall of the 3 night run at the Barrymore Theater & Eagles Ballroom.


During my search and explorations of UM’s catalog, I’ve discovered songs that I ignored at first because they’re not really prevalent these days. Snucka was one. I thought it was just a gag song meant for a laugh for a while.


Nah that song fucks hard. There’s a segment from NYE 2009(?) that has a mantis/snucka double decker sammie that’s pretty solid IMO


@SchladopianFir , have you heard this Front Porch?


Absolutely. The blues jam on the first slot is good shit.

The ITK dicks too

I’m pretty sure I was sitting behind KB’s family at the indy show last night. Chomping ass mfs. I’m pretty sure he’s just hampering UMs ticket sales just for his family reunions. KB’s the type of dude to brag about gross revenue. Can’t wait for a weekend in UMsbekistan in 2026 because Unc browning had some dank palov in Kansas back in the day.


Signed, Craig

While i admire your passion, i don’t believe that the band would allow and be oblivious to the idea of KB sandbagging them. They got kids and lives too. I’m buying into the idea that the attendance decline isn’t personal to UM, as much as it is to the mid level tier jam bands.


While I admire your level headedness and more correct view, I find that it’s much easier to say Fuck KB and throw all the blame onto one single mechanism rather than the machine or even the factory as a whole.

Ever notice how Browning rhymes with drowning and UMs is drowning in empty seats? :thinking: (I’m barely being serious here and just playing up the anti KB Bort lore)

How have the new FOH mixes been sounding?




That’s crazy


At times i feel like i can hear Joel more clearly. Jake as well. Some people have said that the drums sound more crisp also. 1 complaint is the vocals can be too high at times.

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It looked like they didn’t have traditional drum overheads last night on the stream. Not sure if that was just for the caverns or for every show now. Looked like the mics were under the cymbals.


The mixes lately… ouch. I know hes still adjusting but I fired up the Caverns show and the first few songs are so out of whack. And it wasnt just this show. Was Jake having amp problems? Hes cutting in and out but not jn an obvious “the amp is fucked up” way so its hard to tell whats going on. Vocals are a bit too loud, and im someone who feels that most venues never have the vocals loud enough for rock bands, but theyre too much on the sbds so maybe its better live.

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The crew did something with Jake’s rig early on the first set for sure.

Whenever I hear Roulette it reminds me of my 2nd show.

Imagine a show with this setlist played in 2024


This is 11/29/07 right? I ate a bunch of mushrooms before this show for the first time since waking up in the EMS tent on them at Summer Camp earlier that year and I had to chain smoke joints to cloud my headspace for most of that first set after watching a buddy from high school fallout in the crowd. Reminded me of what happened to me so I was worried a lot and needed to get my head in a different direction. Great show!



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Pretty sure @flyfishmich has only seen three more shows than I. I don’t really have much interest in seeing UM right now, but seeing more shows than him so I can call him a noob is pretty good motivation.


Hahaha, love it bro

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