Just bought 6!
I only need 1, y’all are welcome to the others.
Yes plz!
Sorry was driving would like 2.
I finally got to the end of the line, and it said no tickets available. I will definitely snag 2 from you!
Are they seats or GA? Thank you so much man!
Sure thing 2 for @DiabetesCOLE
2 for @dtbar1
I was in the queue for Sat, too. Just got in and no tix available.
So just to confirm, tix are for fri.
Yep, Fri 9/2. Just sent you both the confirmation
You’re the best man!
Epic dude, thanks! Still going to try for Saturday also during the radio Presale on Thursday, and then obviously during the general on sale.
I’m gonna do the same. If I’m heading out to CO, I’d love to hit both shows.
I only went to 1 of the 2 nights at RR when they played a few years ago. Such an incredible show.
Radio presale code?
2013 tension tour is still in my top 3 concerts of all time. I mostly went for explosions in the sky opener, and knew very little of NIN. Was really bummed Adrian Belew left the touring band, but got damn such an incredible show. I can’t imagine seeing them at red rocks.
That was easy. Four tickets purchased.
you’re a ticket god
Too lazy to make an Oprah “you get a ticket, and you get a ticket…” gif.
The code is NINROCKS
Trying for 2 for my best friend for Friday red rocks. Already can tell it’s gonna be a shot show
Good luck! I’m in line for 9/2 to see about getting my friends tickets and in line for 9/3 to grab one for me.
If you get through for 9/2 and can snag two more. I can instantly pay you