New show:
JFC The Met is only capacity of 3500
I’m probably not going for this. I already have tickets to Raleigh and RR. I don’t need the stress of trying to get tickets for this one, too.
That is going to be sick as fuck, and it’s my birthday. Dare I plan a day trip out there?
It’s weird that I’m in an amphitheater owned by a Linux distro, no?
Let us know set list. Are you seeing the opener?
Opener is done, can’t remember their name but they were fun darkwave dance. Kinda weird to see in the day.
House music is Bowie now (Low).
I’ll post set, but in a spoiler
NIN is staying at my hotel Sunday. 100% getting fired and probably banned from the show for stalking Trent
Didn’t they get bought by big blue for like $30,000,000,000?
Tell him I said and that he changed my life and that I might not be alive it it weren’t for him. You know, the norm.
Somewhat damage
Day the world went away
The frail
Is he playing the whole fucking album?!?!
The wretched!
March of the pigs
Hyper power (I think?)… no 1,000,000
The perfect drug
The becoming
This isn’t the place
Everyday is exactly the same (fitting for first show after pandemic)
Cover I don’t recognize? (Fashion by Bowie. Not sure how I didn’t get that)
Hand that feeds
Head like a holeeee,
Holy Fuck: and all that could have been
That second song was gonna be my opener guess
Spoiler cause I don’t remember how to do them
They haven’t played everyday is exactly the same since 2006
Hows the light show
About the same as 2018. Lots of fog and spotlights behind them
Couple Led strips to add color
I only saw the tension 2013 tour which was one of the best light shows I’ve ever seen.