For any normal person, I’d agree. But @gatroe’s love for the dissonant is what makes me think some of the earlier stuff is a good gateway.
Oh well. I tried.
Probably listening to NIN most of my work day again.
Complete NIN / Trent fan boy over here. I love everything he’s ever put out.
Of course, angsty high school me loves PHM, Broken, Downward Spiral, and Fragile. Like, so much.
But he’s so much more.
He is one of those rare artists, like Bowie, who is constantly growing and reacting to the world / musical culture around him. I’m blown away with his output over the past 8 years:
- Hesitation Marks - Electronic-focused dark angst pop. Agreed, very under-appreciated.
- His scores (so many!) - Absolutely beautiful textures that play perfectly to the movie
- Not the Actual Events / Add Violence / Bad Witch - Such a diverse array spanning the gamut of calm to harsh. They show an artist who is never content. Some of those EPs are hard to listen to but you can’t argue that he has become complacent and just phoned it in.
- Ghosts V and VI - Ambient, noise, anxiety, release. Basically a combination of the hard mood of his 3 EPs with the sparsity of his scores. They are wonderful late night listens when you’re feeling isolated and overwhelmed.
Also Josh Freese is such a beast. Wish he would always tour with them -
Oh I forgot:
Still is the most beautiful thing he’s every created.
Why he hasn’t released it on vinyl is beyond me.
The Song Exploder episodes for Hurt (Netflix show) and The Lovers (the podcast) are wonderful.
Fun fact, Dave grohl drums on like 7 tracks of with teeth. Also Adrian Belew is on a fuck tom of studio nin. I was super bummed when he was hired and then decided not to do the hesitation marks tour.
don’t know any NIN outside of trent’s soundtrack work, which is is excellent beyond words. i listen to the social network soundtrack regularly still.
You should check out With Teeth
will report back
Listening to the Vietnam ken burns doc soundtrack now. It’s just soooo good
@solvethebox sending me down the rabbit hole. Lots of homework to do. Thank you
Who here has listened to The Background World in its entirety?
Really fun and meditative, IMO
4 minutes of scruch fizzle to end an album always great. I love the add violence EP, this isn’t the place is such a banger
I really like to compare Trent to Robert fripp. Just both geniuses who pushed the boundaries of music and have created some killer ambient works
Another great comparison.
For The Background World, I love how it slowly disintegrates, which new features emerging with each iteration. Without getting too heady, it’s like new life emerging from death.
I really like this Radiohead comparison. Both guys are obvious geniuses, but I only like 50% of their catalogs, and the rest I’m pretty meh on.
You need to see NIN live if you haven’t though. That is what really did it for me, being 15th row at Red Rocks.
Broken EP was much more up my alley. There are still plenty of aspects of the music that I’m very meh on but it’s clear that he’s very talented, which I wouldn’t have disputed even before listening.
I have an intro to a song I was working on last month that is eerily similar to Help Me I Am in Hell. Also, Physical could be a stoner doom song without all the blips and bloops. I just don’t think I’m a big fan of the industrial stuff. A song like Physical would’ve been more to my taste if it was a straight forward rock song with some more interesting drums. But I’m sure that aspect of this music is what draws a lot of people to NIN so wtf do I know.