Live in the Boondocks

Yeah this is pretty much what I’m expecting. Maybe some song building mixed in as well.

I believe I still have the DBS webcast uploaded to my google drive in the video archive thread, for anyone interested in seeing it.


Ugh just do two normal shows. You have a starving audience…such a missed opportunity if you don’t but I guess that’s the umphreys way

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Anyone have 100% clarity on if your $20 gets both nights or just the one?

Can’t wait to watch them create the next whistle kids over 2 nights for $40


Two normal shows where?

As they are getting together, I think it could be argued that sharing them all together for the first time since March, working on new ideas, opening up a few hours over two nights for fans to finally get some live Umphrey’s is the furthest thing from a missed opportunity.

Unless you think that more people would chime in to watch them play a standard two-set show to an empty venue?


Hard to say what people would prefer. My personal preference would be a few hours of ‘normal’ UM. They can play what amounts to a set or two in the studio with improv and all that. I’m way less likely to pay to stream a band hang than a ‘live’ UM stream

If it’s $20 to watch them dick around in the studio for 90 mins it’s definitely not a missed opportunity, it’s a gravy train.

I think it’s cool they’re doing something together, and I’ll definitely be watching. For the pricetag I’d like to have a little more clarity on the format, mainly an idea of roughly how long they’ll actually be playing music for.

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For the pricetag I’d like to have a little more clarity on the format, mainly an idea of roughly how long they’ll actually be playing music for.

I am working on an answer for that.

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I know you gotta defend TeamKB at all costs, but I’m not sure what’s so unclear about what I said. I’m a fan of fresh live UM. It’s the reason I see them 15 times a year and watch setlists roll in during the rest of the year. IDGAF about anything else. They’re a jam band. I’d happily pay to watch a two set live show from the studio.

I am asking for clarification. You said it was a missed opportunity not to give two normal shows - two normal shows are not possible now. Which I thought was pretty clear.

So I was curious as to what you were implying.

I would be defending the band’s decision to stream Wednesday and Thursday night even if I wasn’t Team Joel. I love this shit.


Ok. I gotchu now.

What I meant is that I hope they treat this live stream as an opportunity to do what they do best and play normal shows* for their fans that miss them. If I drop $20 I want a real show and not a gimmick.

I understand the band is out of work but so are millions of Americans. Some of the best bands in the world are putting out free content right now. I’ll nitpick KB all day, but ESPECIALLY during a global pandemic.

*live streamed from the studio

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Zonkey in full

I’d embrace that event

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Am I in the minority absolutely loving these shows other bands have been doing with no audience, full light rigs, and sbd audio (specifically without audience banter and loud drunk assholes)? I mean UM is my favorite, and I’ll throw down for this because I love this band enough that just hearing them workshop stuff is super interesting to me, even just them bs’ing is entertaining.

That being said I think the price point on this is high at $40. Individual events go between $5 and $10 and whole “festivals” are $50. Individual bands doing extended virtual “tours” have buy in points from $50-$100 for between 5-10 live shows, including additional fan interactivity. Hell, some bands are even playing 3hr shows for free and are getting donations totaling well into the multiples thousands by the end of it.

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Agreed with all of this.

It just seems like such a bad look to be charging this much for stuff like this.

The Breakfast have been doing some great 3 hour live streams for free on FB. They’re even digging out old shows from 2003 and putting them up. It also helps when you have MKDevo producing these but I’ll take something like this over what UM has planned any day.

Not shitting on what UM has in store and will still be streaming but I would love a full live show like this from the boys.

I wouldn’t expect them to do it for free. The Breakfast is great but UM is a higher profile band. $20 just seemed steep to me. If they said this was $10 per show I wouldn’t have batted an eye.

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But how much would you pay for a trashy hooker?