Live in the Boondocks

Ah this is the thread.

This feels so good. Wish Jake wasnt so damn loud but whatevs, I missed the fuck out of this

Glory, Puppet, Maybe Someday, Fir

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I’ll prolly purchase tonight’s tomorrow then watch both of them in a row.

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That show fucking crushed

Didn’t I see you there?

It had a cool vibe to it but it wasn’t even a full song so that’s just exaggeration ad a result of separation I think haha

And them being Fluffer McFlufferson’s. Isn’t there a job in the porn industry called Fluffer? If so, that’s V4J to UM’s Ron Jeremy.

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This won’t count but Ltp (full band) 162 shows

Edit: or maybe it will @jwelsh8

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Nailed it. This is totally V4J:


WHOA!! What up, Steve?

Why wouldn’t this count?

You’re right I’m dumb.

Yep, we got pretty sloshed chilling near soundboard.

This haji giving me the feels for the first time in a while


Lol, I’m banned from V4J, UM Discussion was apparently made in result of people being sexist and generally hateful in V4J. It’s just as bad as it’s counter part though. I just thought the whole rail rider crew all loved each other, shows how much I know about UM.

Oh got it, thanks for clarifying. Got my FB fluffer groups confused.

Same. Generally not a big fan but here we are.

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