Jams the bort literally never talks about

10.29.14 robot world


Is that bing? Great HBB too

Yes. Feel like the HBB was discussed plenty on the old bort but the robot flew under the radar


Great Robot. Love that Plunger too. And the Matt puking up red wine during Search 4

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Literally my most desired song to catch too. Just perfectly timed puke sesh to miss it


Slow down bros I can’t update the playlist til after work

6/30/07 Example 1. The weird stats thread made me think of this one as it was the same show as the huge Walletsworth, but doesn’t get much attention. As far as I recall, this is the only true jammed out one I’ve seen (as opposed to the usual JO > Jake solo). Maybe even the only one I’ve heard in general.

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1/30/15 Fir. Simply beautiful

fuck yes. I love that whole show so much.

favorite jam witnessed live. so beautiful.

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Been listening to a lot of shows lately so here are my contributions:

10/26/13 Bridgeless - There are lots of other things going on this show, and this whole fall, but this monstrous build and peak is something else. The whole band is in sync this show.
12/2/05 Robot World - monstrous 3-parter old school jam. Heavy metal dance party > country > weird. All great.
3/29/19 Women, Wine and Song - It’s scary that there are like 4 better jams in this show, because this is easily the best WWS they’ve played in the last decade. Love that piano riff!
10/25/13 Dump City - Overshadowed by the Burlington Dump the previous week, but this takes the ideas they came up with that jam and expands on them in an interesting way. Really intense.

1/8/12 Made to Measure

12/15/18 Syncopated Strangers

Yeah I love that 40s

I think this date is wrong. Trying to rebuild the playlist, get your dates right peeps.

I think you mean 10/10/08?

Great picture

lol ya that’s the one. Changed the date format and fucked up the date…

You aren’t kidding. I remember it being good but this is awesome.

oof segue back to 40’s is a little rough but great jam.


Should be an updated playlist. I keep getting kicked off nugs because @cshore is freeloading on the account that I’m freeloading off of. Someone let me on their nugs.

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