@discobot fortune
Ask again later
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
Probably not although I recently did the same. Didn’t have as far to go though.
It’s the same notes as always.
- UM is cringe
- Stasik is really cringe but he’s always been a frat bro so what do you expect?
- Acid talk
- Creed talk
- Back pain talk
- @cryan024 tripling down on UM sucks and Stasik in particular sucks
If you want to read anything, skip ahead to around post 1400 and read on until 1750 or so. Or if you are super bored at work, just read it all. Congratulations!
you forgot THE NUMBERS
Hence why I bracketed what to read from 1400-1750…
It’s missing two Cs (cancel cancel culture)
This is better though because it spells a word
Are we now in the “Triple C McGee” era??
They’ve been reading the bort, posted in wrong thread earlier. Need to get this in the cancel cancel rape cancel liberal pussies thread.
JFC how was this conversation only three weeks ago? This feels like it happened three months ago.
Time is an illusion
Thousands of posts ago though. That’s how I judge time
“When is your birthday?”
“in 2.6k posts”
Time goes very slow when every day you do nothing but shitpost on the bort
Hahaha I just went through the same thing trying to find that stuff about low ticket sales in CT/NY
How many posts is a weekend?
Depends on the thread