Guitar teacher breaks down ‘Puppet String’ and is thoroughly impressed

At least I won’t live here anymore at that point

edit: should I ask if he wants to jam? He can make a “Guitar teach reacts to ostoploclips playing UM songs” vid


I’d watch

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Guitar gate risking getting cancelled mentioning the band with that guy who is a jerk on the internet!


He’s fine, his vids are fairly entertaining, although sometimes he seems to struggle with pretty simple stuff. Haven’t watched the Slacker one yet, but I think it’s cool that he did a video on the soloing Jerry uses in Deal, as (nerd guitar alert) that is a song with a pretty interesting progression to solo over and I’ve been working for awhile now on playing over those changes so I was pretty happy to see a deconstruction video on it.

tl;dr Fun to watch reactions and awe at UM, not the best guitar teacher

Seems like a nice dude and love the attention he has brought to scene but he is honestly not that good of a player or teacher. He is like every other mediocre guitar youtuber who thinks learning a song is simply figuring out what mode to play where disregarding most music is functional and isn’t modal at all.

So much cringe… :grimacing:

Like how is he on TrueFire a usually good platform that has virtuosos like Tommy Emmanuel and Robben Ford. And what even is a jamband lick? There are so many free resources for learning Garcia licks from better players. Or better yet just transcribe any good Garcia solo and learn to transpose every lick.

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I have to laugh at
Feb 2020: “People have told me about UM, figured I’d check them out”
May 2020: “Here are the 30 jam bands licks you must know”


Last month he was listening to Cornell 77 for the first time And now he is on premier guitar unlocking the secrets to playing like Jerry

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I’m enjoying his videos. I watched the Wizard Burial Ground last night.

I feel validated that he thinks that UM is a “real band”. I’ve been worried that they were fake since 2005.


He’s a liar

Hes such a noob hes not even aware that show was a false flag planted by the CIA to make the dead sound better than they actually are, in hopes of derailing lefties and loonies


Straight owning the shitlibs.


If you follow his methods, you can be a jam band guitar master in less than 3 months, too.


That’s the funniest part. I think he got a shitload of views/subscribers once he started digging into jamband stuff because we’re all so obsessive. Now he’s milking it for everything he can.


I heard he taught this guy called Jamflowman who has the sickest and quickest hands in the land.


Naaaailed it

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that’s how i learned to play

I regret ever starting this thread.


Because you gave him more views or because people are hating on him?
