What is this?
Concessions. Seems like 2 big stewage songs per night might be the deal. First half of this one is whatever but the outro rips
I guess there was a guy sitting behind Stasik that had very obviously miscalculated whatever he took and was struggling to stay awake.
Lol at the crowd wanting to rage
That rocking part of this song kinda sounds like the riff from Hangover
Dont blame the drugs.
Of course. They didn’t make a choice to take themselves.
Anyway, to break up the hate again, I also love Attachments. Song bangs.
Real question, was the last 10+min of jumbled up mess all Concessions? @jcubson
I only dig the cool dual guitar jam, I think it’s a Silent Type jam from last January. Philly maybe? I’d say the way Jake builds it is beautiful, he’s actually pretty tasteful for his standards.
I was being serious though. Was that all one song? Felt like a whole lot of pieces
That was all Concessions. Definitely a little too much going on there.
Could be 5 diff songs
Bath was cut last night, wonder if they’ll finish with that tonight or just finish on Jamtachments. I’ll gladly take it tomorrow though
Pretty sure it was 3 stews
Ill echo the @opsopcopolis sentiment of wishing I still loved UM. Idk what happened. I feel like not that long ago (2019?) I was all the fuck over this band.
And its really not that I wanna hate them. They just frustrate the fuck out of me. Moments of absolute greatness. They obviously still can do it. They just choose not to. Its hard to watch
Also wish they could find a way to work a jam into Attachments instead of end song > jam. I really love the song. It gets me fired up and obviously it does them too. Some of the best jams of recent years have been after Attachments. Just a weird formula
Listening through my hearing aids while listening to me playing Red Dead Redemption 2 through over the ear headphones is pretty choice.
Not much time left gonna have to be a quick one to close it. Calling a cover or a pussy ass Haji.
Edit: Den’d
I still like this tune