Cosmic Pork Party

New space bacon soundboard

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A lot of great jams in this show from earlier in the month. Love the mad world teases in set 1 (can’t remember for the life of me which song)

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I had every intention of watching this live last Wednesday for their CouchTour broadcast but I think I got roped into some basketball game.

Gonna check this out while I do some cardio tonight :muscle:t2:

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is this a euphemism?




I have one more track left in this compilation.

I must say, this is really bizarre shit, folks. They’re literally just emulating Biscuits. They do it well enough that the shows I’m sure are a blast live. Seeing them at Resonate will be fun. But what I’ve heard certainly never gets as good as Biscuits. And the fact that their sound at all times is so close to Biscuits is weird. Not sure why I’d keep listening to their recordings instead of just putting on an actual Biscuits recording.

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The keyboard sounds are very similar to biscuits, but I think space bacon throws in a lot more heavier sounding stuff than the biscuits ever would.

Don’t you dare defend this shit.

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Too late.


It’s easy to do when your friends with the band. Let’s just say that someone has been “backstage”

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is this an euphemism?


Just ran through this comp, wasn’t paying attention to much at first but the SOYCD tease in Heatseeker were cool and the Crazy Frog teases in Sticky Fingers gave me a chuckle.

Resonate is tempting. Already convinced it’s gonna be UM headlining > Summer Tour announced the next day. If I can’t hit a decent bit of shows July - Sept, I’m gonna make an effort to swing Resonate. My buddy in Nashville is going so awfully tempting as is

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New soundboard from the #boys

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This is so bad lol

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Forget Space Bacon - I wanna know more about Galaxy Ham! :grin:


I’d rather listen to Space Bacon than Goose.


I honestly dig it haha

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Really I’m not even complimenting Space Bacon here.


They’re not terrible although their vocals may be amongst the most atrocious of the “scene”.

Definitely Bisco wannabes