The we feel IS the resolution
What I miss
Easy workaround on that one, boys:
Bort civil war. A bird died. We had a funeral and everything.
Nothing specific. I just was mulling over some shit and the above came outta my ass
Edit: sorry to disappoint on not having something juicy behind it
Edit #2: actually, maybe I’m just engagement farming and intentionally creating a zero sum situation so I can finally take on @snuckaskitchen for his belt as the biggest jerk
I think the Beatles said, love is all you need
But I need some insulin too, but love is the important one
massive burn right here
Rather than wishing for change, you first must be prepared to change. — Catherine Pulsifer
Weird thread.
“I dont really have any examples of people being a total jerk right now but i just wanna remind everyone to not be a jerk.”
Id also like to add that, i dont have any examples of this, but lets all codify it into bort law that we shouldnt post peoples addresses or anything like that.
@snuckaskitchen @funktastic @flyfishmich @anon72818525 @ass @toomanypomas42 @cshore @opsopcopolis @Random_Ass @gatroe @StoneJackBaller @stringz @thefussyasianman @James @Whinergetsnothing @cryan024 @sociablehodor @solvethebox @AlexTheDictator @chicagostylehotdog @DiabetesCOLE @GizaButler @UncleDutchman @PEN1S_ISLAND @ominousbeanbag @sauce07 @nsl @sabretooth @bluish @UMFree @WhoDatVols @mal @3x40oz @Andrusy @SchladopianFir @Pookells @OSUmBeaverPhreak @swb0nd @hbbubblebath @NikoEstevan @timewilltell @WOLFpacker16 @ski-bUM @iamkickinit @kramm @Yawnspterodactyl @mja271 @PattyMelt @ApostropheTH @Professor_Shuapop @CarpetCrawler @Bron-yr-Aur @WentzyMcGee @Southern_Dan @Zencer @UnCommon_5 @jcubson @KCahalan1348 @jachapman @fmoss3 @plantseedlight @andys1stbeer @RailroadEarther @LarrySellers @root
what’s the meaning of this

What I miss
Yah what’s all this about??

Weird thread.

“I dont really have any examples of people being a total jerk right now but i just wanna remind everyone to not be a jerk.”
Show me where I said this.
What I actually said was:

I haven’t personally been offended by anybody’s posts
Now: do you want me to collate the examples of people on here not just being jerks but being stone cold assholes to each other? Personal attacks, etc. that have resulted in every damn person involved being upset and losing their cool?
Because there are countless and I’m happy to cherry pick a few savage ones for ya.
Once again, I’ll boil my whole point down to this one simple request: hey peeps of the bort - I’m throwing out this crazy idea that we’re not unnecessarily jerks towards each other. Really objectionable, I know.
Please. I want to know my score. Also, I love a good collation.

I love a good collation.
Who doesn’t, baby?
All I know is the jerk store called, and they’re running out of you
Ya checks out
You’re supposed to say that I’m their best seller