Communication platforms across the internet have a vast range of cultural and ethical guidelines that have massive influence on the users’ experience on any given platform. Some are complex, some are simple - and they vary widely from the authoritarian-like moderation on Reddit to the truly anything goes boards of 4chan.
I believe there’s a happy medium that allows folks to express what they want while still maintaining decorum. I would love to see the Bort find that happy medium. And I believe it can happen if a supermajority of borters adopt what I am calling Guideline #1:
I believe it’s really that simple - and therefore am beginning a campaign to you all - the borters - to adopt Guideline #1 and codify it into Bort culture.
Good luck! People should be nice. I agree. People are also emotional, reactive, and irrational.
With the exception of a select few people I don’t have issue with anyone on here. I get passionate sometimes but try to apologize if I get too heated. But I’m not sure how you measure “being a jerk”
You’re spending time on the same website
Taking issue and picking fights
'Cause you no longer care if you’re well liked
But you brood endlessly for your own plight
'Cause time is running out
because you are #1 all time in replies on the bort. figured if i’m starting a campaign I might as well begin by making my case to the users most likely to have an impact if they decide to adopt “Guideline #1: Don’t be a Jerk!”
I joined the og Bort in '05 and was very active on there until it ended. I get it. Do what you feel. And at the same time I still propose folks adopt Guideline #1: Don’t be a Jerk!
Yes - this was all a backhanded way to come out as believing that bort users’ jerkiness is a linear correlation with usage. My logic is impeccable, btw