2023/01/14 - The Fillmore - Philadelphia, PA

Hmmm I wonder who this could be


Lol dude doesnt even know how to spell his own name


Futuristic? Not a word in my vocabulary. and I don’t leave reviews on nugs. Cool story bro

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Hey man, at least he doesn’t call himself Mantis

You’re not fooling anyone here. I’d put my life savings on that being you

Ya honestly this whole first set is A+. Really enjoyed the attachments and even the uplifting section of the Phil’s is pretty abnormal for um uplifting jams.

Second is a way different story though imo. That junk is a total train wreck and the AIT is ok, but pretty messy and locks into a really common groove. Didn’t make it to the OB

Billy was decent, best jam of s2

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That is P.

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Prob not much in there yet but I’ll take it for the kids. Thanks

The Silent Type is the best UM jam I’ve heard in years.


It’s the best jam since the Plunger from Dillon IMO.

Seriously dude. I can’t get enough of this jam. On repeat


Right around the 10:10 mark is when this jam starts to really take off

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I’m not as high on the Attachments jam but I do like how the 2nd jam they spend at least a solid 5 minutes on that groove and don’t try to force peak it, Jake actually resists chugging and adds some cool washes while BB keeps a funk thing going for awhile in contrast to the industrial stuff. I can dig it but it’s nowhere close to the Silent Type IMO. The Junk and OB just do nothing for me, sound super-disjointed at times. Actually like the Dump jam better than both, it’s nothing crazy but it’s locked in.

Tossed this on over the weekend for some housework accompaniment since it got so much love. Jamtachments out of the gate is pretty great. Dump was good, if brief. Silent Type though…damn. Can’t wait to be big mad when this doesn’t make HoF '23. Phil’s was above average, as well.

Second set was :zzz: though.

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