2022/06/19 - Gerald Ford Amphitheater - Vail CO



Enjoyed that entire first set a ton, would slot it right behind Dillon S1 because none of the jams quite got there for me like that Milk & GA. Remind Me was really strong, one of the best versions they have played really. Both Nemo and IDKWIK had excellent jams in that 6 min territory but neither felt rushed or aborted. So Much sounded really good live and the “sadboi” intro to Glory was great. Tinkles jam was short but that song is just pure nostalgia for me.

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Then do it

Oh mah gawd guys, got that FP!! Was right up front for the last 1/3 of the show so i got to really take it all in. Also happy about that HBB, had a feeling that was gonna get played, DT theory sandwiched in the middle was awesome.

What a beautiful venue, what a show! \mm/


Just got done with the 2 miles. Heading to suck off sultan now


He made me wear a bayliss mask and I had to call him jake the whole time


awesome little IDKWIW jam


Kris is just an animal starting around 14:00 into this Attachments. Truly puts an already great jam over the top in a unique way.

Got the 2010 Burly Breathe/2011 noho wappy bassline in this comma briefly

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