2021/11/12 - The Pageant - St Louis, MO

Set I: There’s No Crying in Mexico > Spires > Make it Right, Blue Echo, Crooked One > Crucial Taunt, Much Obliged > 2x2

Set II: Ringo > Phils, Wappy > Cheap Sunglasses(1) > Half Delayed > Dump City, Puppet String

Encore: Nopener, Silent Type

(1) ZZ Top cover

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Spires > Make it Right?

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Atypical Crooked jam. ::closes jamband thesaurus, sparks joint::


crooked one is the 2021 JOTY


Which is super rad

Night and day song selection vs last night, although I hate Make it Right

I read this as (jam vehicle of the year) for those of you keeping score at home

Sorry KC

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lol that’s how i meant it to read. JOTY is a very versatile acronym

lollllll :stuck_out_tongue:

not too much time for this 2x2 but this set has been all about micro yams anyway

First part of set on paper a snoozer. But Blue Echo onward looks tasty tasty tasty.

Spires easy jam of set. Stasik led, 2 sections. I missed out on alot of the 2nd section tho. But wasnt your average UM jam.

Either we have some major fluffling going on or this set sounds like a heater.

Haven’t seen a glover at a show in years. It’s gotta take balls to tock those at an UM show

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Crooked jam was solid, but the song itself is UMs best vehicle this year. Spires still reigns as far as this set goes. Not joty material though either.


What else can JOTY mean?

“Jerk off the youth?”
-some priest probably


Shuapop was onto something earlier