2021/07/09 - The Caverns - Pelham, TN

Northfield OH 2020 Tinkles is easily good, like 14 minutes

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S2 was pretty good! If milked some, Seasons had JOTY potential, but still the best version to date. Tinkles and Night Nurse also solid. Good flow.

Yeah for sure. Seems like they are super eager to kill a theme as soon as they get completely in lockstep, it’s really bizarre. It’s like they are purposefully holding back. My brother in law turned to me at the end of the 2nd set N2 after the killer Plunger peak and said something to the effect of “how can they not want to do that all the time??”.

This is not a good show. Any time they get locked in to something, they move on immediately. And a lot of it just never locks in at all. While the long Tinkle’s jam is interesting, and I appreciate the effort to go through multiple sections, it never really hits on anything major. Ah well. These things happen. Glad they found their mojo again by last night set 2.

Agree that Seasons is super solid and the show highlight, but it needed to develop quite a bit more.

I hear Roundabout teases in Higgins.

Where at? I didn’t catch that on my first listen.

After listening back I think some of the jams were pretty good. Sweetness, Tinkles, Night Nurse, and Seasons were the best, but the Higgins was short and punchy, and I still really dig the twangy Remind Me jam; that one has some great Jake / Joel / Stasik interplay.

The thing that sticks out to me is how absent BB is from the improv in this show, it’s like he is just totally not into jamming for much of this show. Jake’s playing on the other hand was really nice but the band just could not push through or gain momentum to take things to the next level w/ Bayliss sounding like he doesn’t give a fuck.