2019/12/30 - The Fillmore - Denver, CO

I mean, pretty much 55 minutes of the 61 minute set was improv. So yeah, I think it’s fine.

Which means 6 mins isn’t improv. That’s a song length. It should be called the “almost all improv set”.

typically, i am one to nickle n’ dime nit-pick semantics. but this isn’t one of those battles, for me

It mean it was great…and I love Ringo. I’m not arguing that. I’m just saying it’s not all improv. They said it would be. That’s all I’m saying.

They also said the 20th anniversary event would be a “special night”.


LOL. Cummins lies

i agree that going in and out of a tune is better than all improv (at least for this band)

not technically all improv but what a weird hill to die on

some good laughs in here between that and the theory that kyle was BOOTED off stage

Is StoneJackBaller secretly Kyle Hollingsworth?

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We have a conspiracy on our hAnds

Didn’t Joel normally sing it or at least part of it?

I’d say the magic of this set was watching it happen live. I wasn’t even there, I was watching couch tour. There was an element of surprise of not knowing it was the improv set until like halfway through. I don’t think it hits the same when you go into it already knowing it’s an improv set.

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I’ll fluff this ringo to death and after a few relistens argue that it hits just as hard on tape. They do for one hour what I hope to catch for ten minutes a show.

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I’m sorry but they just really do justice to Italian Restaurant, I like Billy Joel and that’s a pretty tricky song to nail. Jake is funny; “do you remember those notes singin’ down at the village green” as Nick flips the page of his stage notes. I wonder if they’ll do an All Night Wrong set again sometime this year… love this Ringo too

The Jake dive bombs during that slinky chromaticy/pentatonic thing…bbbuooowwwwww.

I was loving that shit in the Fillmore.

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Don’t get me wrong it still holds up after the fact, but the initial time when it was happening was such a special moment to me. One of my favorite UM memories of all time

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Absolutely. The fact that you didn’t know what you were in for during the beginning is the best part.

I am way late in the game here, but I finally got around to listening through the entire Ringo and i love it. I am on the side that wishes their improv would be more off the cuff and not so outlined, but thats never been what UM has been about by any means. They don’t like to noodle and just hope that it gets there and I appreciate that from them. Totally negating viewpoints from me, I know, but I see both sides to it 100%.

With that said, i think the 40-46min mark was probably my favorite segment. The whole segment is just groovin to the max and I love the rockin out, but the I tend to lean towards more heavy grooves these days. I just wish it didn’t lead into that god awful lyrical stew. When I got to the first lyrical stew, I was like damn this isnt bad at all and I actually really enjoyed it, but then the second lyrical came and I finally saw what everyone was bitching about. LuvU2Deth Bayliss, but dear god man lmao.

Hollingsworth sit-in is fantastic and I agree with opsop that its so interesting/cool that you can immediately tell that it isn’t Joel. Never, ever felt like he overstayed his welcome and thought the amount of time he was in on it was just perfect. Same goes for Coffin too; I really enjoyed his playing and im not a huge fan of UM with horns either. It’s tasteful, funky and then leads up to pure rawk. Great.

One more random thought, really like the drop back into the second verse of Ringo. Thought the whole band was just on fire for the first peak and then dropped right into V2 on a fucking dime like the UM I know and love. Those huge on-a-dime turns are something that first drew me to get hooked on this band.

Fantastic first set!

A couple of our friends only came for that night of the run. Had a strong feeling going into it that improv set would be the first set (even though there was a chance it would be second set that night, or maybe even on NYE). They knew the deal going into it. Our one friend asked right before they started, “how do we know if it’s the all-improv set?” I told her they just wouldn’t be playing anything we would recognize. They dropped into Ringo, and I turned to her and was like, “this isn’t the improv set.” 15 minutes in and still only having heard the first verse we all start questioning that. Definitely enjoyed that aspect of it.

I kind of had a similar reaction when they dropped intro Ringo, but as soon as they abandoned the song structure way earlier than Ringo jams usually start myself and everyone around me had a strong suspicion it was going to be a Ringo bookended improv set.