Anytime this gets brought up someone usually says it is because UM is different from every other band and then say something about overhead and why they have to charge so much
I also can not understand how a professional organization aligns itself with subpar streaming platforms!
This is embarrassing
i’m fucking dying at these first time posters posting the exact same thing
Remember the iClips days
yes, -bort is now a mandolin support board
Super longtime Lurker
why not stick around this time
Post more!
tour gigs shitting out is good for user engagement. yall should come listen to the biscuits
-bort welcomes everyone
@stringz we need more botched streams to lure in more posters
Let’s get some more lurkers
LOL this is exactly the ends he wanted he just didn’t know the means. Wow
Thank god about time you dumpy streaming service.
i was all like “Ask nicely and more people will come back”
Turns out that the opposite is correct
Thats some Oceans 11 shit Stringz. Nice