Winter Tour 2023

Done :heavy_check_mark:

Ernest the grandpa sea turtle and his lil bud Timmy

Not pictured: us continuously falling over. :sweat_smile: Shit was harder than I remember.


Man lots of dope songs last night that I woulda loved to catch next week. But the real question is how we’re the yams


They had legs in songs you wouldnt imagine but wasn’t full on heaters. I thought the Plunger was about to launch into heat but they kind of pulled the plug on it. Loved the first section of it. Jake had technical issues in the #5.


My buddy said the #5 was pretty solid. Agreed there are some tunes I would’ve liked to catch in CLE/MIN but I’m liking how they’re approaching setlists in general this year

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Looking for a ride from MKE to Madison mid-day next Thursday.
Anyone headed that way and have space? I’ll buy ya a tank of gas.

TLDR: good not great. But still an above average show I think


I was happy to hear pretty much every song except hourglass and Dayville but the jam made up for how boring and lame that song it.

Always October is also cheesy and not great but it reminds me of @ski-bUM and his wife so it makes me smile now.



Wish I wasn’t working all damn weekend, have to miss out on GR tonight. Also have to work Sunday AM so I’ll have to somewhat behave myself at the Detroit show. Lame.

Anyways, go to the Tangent Gallery after for wook stuff. I’ll probably make an appearance there for a minute then walk home from there.


Who’s playing the tangent?

Biomassive and Ancient Mermaids. Never seen biomassive but I saw Ancient Mermaids spin one of Grant Jackson’s taco tuesday parties awhile back, he’s pretty solid.

Pretty sure @savethegary’s band Chachuba is on the bill too.

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We probably aren’t leaving until 4PM at the earliest that day. But would have room for you.


Caught a bit of biomassive at summer camp last year. I enjoyed what I saw.

What happened to BAU?


From my understanding, not everyone in the band could commit to touring and Gary left to join Chachuba so it kind of just fizzled out. I saw them a few times. Wish they stuck around; those shows were always a blast. I think I saw them four times iirc. After one of the nights of UM x 3 at the Riv in February 2014, at the House of Blues Chicago in 2015, my friend’s wedding in 2015, and then after UM in Detroit in 2017.

My friend’s wedding was my favorite time seeing them.


5 song s1 with a 23 minute Mantis according to twitter?? Looks like fun

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Booth love had a saxophone, glad I missed that. All things considered I’m pretty happy seeing this set before I go to Detroit>Cleveland


Don’t think I’d be hating on that as a set closer after words and a big ole famantis. Small Strides is probably my favorite of the newer batch as well.

I’m pretty team fluff at this moment admittedly tho

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I went to both DC>Philly so glad to see night nurse off the board as well. Agreed Small Strides fux but I’ve seen it already like 4 times so I’ll be fine without.

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