What Shows Are You Seeing

Ahhh. Have her drive and go get bombed at Eric Church. It’ll be fun.

My wife seems to enjoy UM, and she seemed to enjoy seeing Phish as well (but not as much as UM)

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Damn I’m jealous. Used to live right down the street from Turks Inn.

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Yah dude just eat a little bit of mushrooms and then drive home.

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…you go see the show with her??



Not sure whether or not to say that was a joke (1) or driving on psychedelics is fun (2)

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot roll 1d2

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:game_die: 2

well the machines have spoken, driving on psychedelics is fun.


hell yeah it is

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There are 2 rules for driving on psychedelics

  1. Never drive on psychedelics
  2. If you do find yourself driving on psychedelics, never think about rule 1

lmao, fucken gold.


Idk man sorry to be a buzzkill for all the drug band bros and wooks who might laugh at shit like this but I know too many people who have been killed by impaired drivers. I’m not into joking around about it


Fully understandable, no worries.

That’s why I apparently sound like Ronald Reagan when I talk about Fentanyl. It’s always different when it hits close to home.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

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What happens if you flag a post withdrawn that you cannot see? Does it put the author on blast?

Hey if you’re flagged, you can’t be given a badge. Forget which one.