Umphrey’s At The Drive Inn

The police encourage drunk driving by doing it all of the time themselves.

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Anyone need an add on pass for N1? I think it was $50. I’ll look into transferring after work.


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Work/life has really been dragging my mental health down. Wasn’t really even hyped for the drive inn shows this week yet until today. I’m ready for some heady gulf streams and acid tears once the music starts flowing


I’m honestly kinda nervous/apprehensive about the whole thing


idk. COVID/lockdown has really fucked my decision making/sense of security, so the whole process just kinda freaks me out

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Yeah, I’m nervous about all the people flying in and the wooks that are gonna wook. But I’m gonna be as safe as I can be and only leave my space if I gotta rock a piss.

:wave:s from Florida


Got a Sunday in section C for sale if any one is interested

God damn biscuits fans…

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Wrong thread for it but just avoid people for a couple weeks after the shows. Robots can’t get sick anyway.

I saw a bunch of dumb people saying dumb things on the threads on VFJ when shows were announced. Wooks gonna wook, but I was really surprised at the amount of people who think it’s a hoax.

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Checks out.


not to mention that people are fucking idiots once they start drinking. People are inherently selfish short sighted bastards too, so that doesnt help.

Watching other drive-in streams, it seems like people have been super chill at these. Plus UM is making it sound like they’ll be pretty damn strict.

As long as the sound is loud, I will be happy. I also do not plan on being very “chill.” I will be getting shit canned and dancing my ass off, but all within the confines of my personal NBA bubble.


What I’m saying is I don’t think people are going to be rushing the stage like that Chainsmokers concert. Of course people are going to party, but I think everyone will behave about being in their own space.

I told some friends about this and many wish most concerts were like it. “You mean I can bring my own drinks and I’m guaranteed to have my own reserved area?” Pretty excited about the format.

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