Summer 2022 Tour Dates

You can camp at the venue correct? At least that’s what it looks like for other shows there.

You couldnt in the past, but sounds like they are opening it up this year.

Y’all are crazy trying to camp in august. You’ll find me at the smokehouse lodge racing big wheel trikes after the shows


Yea, that legit sounds like hell to me. RV would be a different story.


I’ll never forget staying there last year and my buddy spun off his ass tells me he just raced tricycles. I thought he was just being ridiculous



That would be a ridiculous story to be told after a show, haha. “Yeah, sure you did!”


Hell yeah brother! See ya there

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“Im worried about Tito, he came back all wide eyed and delusional talking about race trikes.”

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“that was some high octane shit.,”

“yeah, sure, Frank. whatever you say”

He stormed in the room causing a scene while I was attempting to sleep at 4am. I just brushed it off until the next day he showed me a video. Would’ve bet my life savings he was full of shit that night


If all the fam is staying at ye ole SmokeHouse Lodge, I may custy up. Staying on site sounds so nice tho

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I got a room at the Smokehouse.


I love when you doubt a buddy and he proves you wrong

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Looks like Saturday is already completely booked. Car camping it is!

We got a great airbnb and a shuttle for Above The Caves. We picked some folks up at Smokehouse. There are a few companies in the area that provide transportation.

Do they have a shuttle service for the shows, I’m not good at staying sober enough to drive. If my pregnant wife goes then hotel for sure. But if this turns into boys ter we might have to camp.

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They do have shuttles. Last year I found a guy that was $20 there and back per person

That place is already booked solid

Wasn’t strictly for Smokehouse. Multiple pickup spots, you just had to let them know where