Random, Spontaneous Thoughts about UM (Part Pee)

Joel led synth jams could apply as well

Condy from the Beacon in…'15, I think. Liftoff drUM’n’bass.


That famous UM untz


Soooooo fire.


New song in progress


Sounds like U2

This sounds cool ngl. Little different, almost like Half Delayed a bit

New album is gunna have all the '22 stew songs they’ve been playing recently - Out of Focus, Unevolved, Wide Open, Exit Signs, plus Concessions

Would love to hear like Draconian or Stinko’s get tossed on there too, but I bet those are unlikely

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Is he playing left handed? Why is this video breaking my brain?

Joel’s using the front camera on his phone which flips everything

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Considering they played Draconian at the Top Note shows, I think that one might make the album.

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God I hope you’re right

Forgot how good this is


Saw one of the dudes on Bravo’s Southern Charm wearing a UM shirt in last weeks episode. Kinda cool, but also very lame as the same time.

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I’ll fluff like my name is marshmallows, but putting several pre-composed jams into a song, for the song-set gimmick, isn’t my kinda yum. Not to say, i wouldn’t mind if they did it again tho.

Hard disagree for me. Don’t care if they have some pre composed elements to a one song set’s jams, especially if they hadn’t played those sections before. Especially when 80% is above average UM “improv” imo

I would’ve had a blast at this live and it’s mainly what drove me to do the next NYE run


TBH, it’s been a long time since i listened, and my taste has changed since.

Not hating at all, still go back to this one often but the music from the first lyrical section is from 1348 on 2/20/15. Def prefer it with the lyrics though.

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I fall on the side of this quite a bit. I don’t care if the jams are pre-composed or “organically” created in the moment. If I enjoy the final result, that’s what matters to me. Every improv group has a formula, so what. I was at this run and had a blast.

The arms race to analyse why a show is less than excellent is pretty funny.


can’t say I recall the lyrical section in this Ringo but there’s no way in hell I’d want lyrics in the 2/20/15 1348, that’s one of my favorite 1348s. total ambiance with that ascending bass line from pony that builds up to a beautiful soaring finish

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I’m a sucker for sappy BB :heart: