I don’t think I’ve ever listened to the NYE show tbh. I remember leave super spun and covered in beer soaked confetti because some wook by me kept picking it up off the ground and throwing it in the air. Fuckin gross.
2011 was my favorite NYE show but 2013’s was above average
My favorite/best 3X
Jaw-dropping segue into 2nd Self
One of these days, i won’t hit the button.
“Welcome to the party, bitch!”
When my kids were very small, I used to put this on the big tv in the living room and watch them watch the lights. I probably did it 2-3 times a week for months at a time. I have this jam fully memorized. lol.
Speaking about 4/12/07 in the other thread reminds me…
It’s a goddamn travesty that Bloody Well Right has not been played since 2013
I miss pony in the middle. Cville was my first show in years and at times it felt like Jake and BB were fornicating while he watched from the corner.
Got the house to myself tonight!! Pants optional, am I right!!
Might try to stream this UM show if my boy lets me use his Nugs. Fresh off a workout and Trader Joe’s run, so I’m feeling dangerous
Biscuits audio at 11 if your pants are still off in a few hours.
I might be game. I can’t get the fucking UM stream to work tho
I’m getting snow and a could not load manifest signal?
Yup. Just posted in couch tour thread now it’s working lmao
Guess it’ll be midnight for you before the trance daddies go on.
Lol wait, thats backwards. Nvm, funny what drugs will do to ya.
Was about to say you silly wook
I’ve got a “this is the end” what-do-we-have montage assortment of shit at my house rn
1/25/13 is such a baller show. That 2nd set is hot with booth love (best version ever played) and the massive front porch (up there with best versions ever played)