Random, Spontaneous Thoughts about UM (Part 1)

v4j was originally UM Discussion, I was actually an admin at one point. My admin rights were taken away when I started to actually give my opininon on things. Then they started obsessively changing the name all the time. IIt was v4j, lots of other names, but always came back to v4j. Then maybe a year or so ago someone made the new UM Discussion because they were sick of v4j. It is definitely better, but it is still a FB music group.

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Sultan definitely wasn’t an admin in the beginning, either. That must have happened in the last year or two.

I remember when sultan changed the name of V4J to something about AIDS, couldn’t believe they let him be admin again after that

Haven’t been on FB for 1.5 years now

After a four year hiatus, my wife finally convinced me to get one again. Man do I hate it. All Facebook has become is a conservative propaganda machine (especially Trump shit), people bitching, and memes.

Haven’t had a FB in 10 years.


what could possibly convince you to get a new facebook after having deleted it?


Me being naive and listening to my wife.

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I still have my FB mainly for a couple of music groups but could easily live without it. I went through and culled my “friends” by a large amount a while ago and it cut out a lot of randoms and much of the bs on my feed but I still rarely feel compelled to use it other than for the groups.

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FB is what you make it lol. My feed is all nature pics, (formerly)festival promos, and ultra specific memes.

Also that’s where Clownvis streams so…

Fuck no! I’ll take a sweet sweet Plunger at every show. Quintessential Umphrey’s McGee right there!

Hoping they play it next Friday so I can catch my 99th!!!


Is Joel the only member willing to experiment and not take themselves too seriously anymore? I think yes.

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Is this a live tweet about Friday Night Keys?

not a tweet, but for sure about tonight’s and previous night’s streams. by comparison, Wine Not is just karaoke night and the rest of the guys aren’t doing much without paying them. so i feel like Joel, perhaps ironically, is the one who’s doing it for the love of it and not just because somebody else expects them to.


I’ve always gotten this vibe from him. He interacts most with fans, is always the one to talk about which shows/jams were his favorite over a certain run or night. Just overall seems to be really passionate yet ego-free (not implying anyone else has a particularly big ego)


Yeah good thing none of the band members sell shirts and pins with their own name and face on them. That might come off as a bit douchy and egotistical.




I really dig this shirt, I know it’s not directly UM but it’s the coolest UM merch design I’ve seen in a long time.


I was thinking the same thing

We need updates on the song


Sultan sure has been quiet

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