King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

And body movin’ and intergalactic quotes in this grim reaper, that was fun


I am most excited for whatever songs they do on the table tomorrow. Bit slow start tonight, but overall, any songs they have done on it have been fucking amazing. On par with the feeling I get from the best untz Biscuit jams

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Yeah, just tuned in at the beginning of Theia, table songs were good. Looks like one of Joey’s synths was fucking up, but got this improv out of it.


If they do the dripping tap or swan song in Milwaukee I will be stoked

I’m chasing a dripping tap hard. If my leg doesn’t allow me to make it, it’s basically garunteed to be played

And from The Brouhaha (bboys song on five Burroughs)


I’d rather have you go to the show

And obviously Biscuits are able to sustain their jams for much longer and morph them, but Gizz has really impressed me. I didn’t even know they did that for their live shows.


I’ll be honest most of the set list last night didn’t quite do it for me, I know they were coming off an off day. Would have loved Supercell/Motor Spirit though. Also they hit a nice jam on the table thst was sick.

Dripping Tap, Cyboogie, Swan Song, Gila Monster, Flamethrower, Gaia, are all songs I’d love to see tonight.

Idk if it was too hot/humid or the fact that I didn’t know most of the songs but the Richmond VA show (my first) overall didn’t live up to the hype I’ve heard. Didn’t really like the synth table part and a lot of the guitar seemed soulless to me.

Ah man that’s unfortunate. The Asheville and Chicago shows this past Saturday/Sunday were so much fun, they seemed to be having a blast up there. Hopefully tonight is a heater

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I got a band for you!


The synth stuff isn’t my favorite but man it was a fucking party in Asheville


Streamed last night and it wasn’t my favorite setlist-wise, also it seemed like they had some technical issues later in the show. Chicago was an absolute banger though. Can’t wait for tonight!


See ya there homie!

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Yeah, not making it there tonight after this spider bite procedure. Enjoy catching dripping tap and Gaia for me, please dance extra hard. Love y’all

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@LarrySellers are you GA or Pit ?

Reserved Mezz right by @CarpetCrawler actually, heading to the venue shortly

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Ahh I gotcha! Vibes are nice in here. I was here for Goose last year, only other time I’ve been here. Ambiance in the lobby is :ok_hand:t2:

@LarrySellers is the man, luckily I ran into him at the beer line

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Oh my god, we fucking get it.

lolz, hope tonight rulez


Dripping tap opener my night has already been made :grin: