Jamband Cringe Thread

There were a bunch of Madison Oyster Brahs outta South Bend.


yes, UM fans have always been cunty. tale as old as 1998


OG Bort started January 13, 2003. They had the Space Basketball Forum before that. I believe umphreaks.com/phpBB2 was the original URL of the Bort. Umphreaks.com predated me, for sure. I recall seeing it on promo material dating back to 2001, but it may predate that.


Yes he was a Borter. Bace. Chris Bacehowski.


Thanks, I’m outta here


His handle was actually @BrothaBace, as I believe @Bace was his older, probably not creepy, nor predatory sibling who also had a bort handle on the OG. I’ve never met his brother, but I def knew who Chris was when I saw that video.




Yeah, he was off the bort long ago. I did see him in passing at the ‘22 Vic Theater show. Def shook my head that he was still around after that mess came to light. Video was so f’n creepy.

Edit: I had saved the link for the YouTube of that guy who made the ‘catch a predator’ video about him but it’s now been removed. The message says that it was removed for bullying/targeting, but that shit was plain as day that he was a 45+ yr old dude trying so hard to talk a 14/15 yr old into the sack, when she was clearly stating her age in their on line interactions. He even told her to just say she was of age or some shit. It was so weird. The guy who made the video was super weird himself, but had caught wind of Chris having done this to some other young girl(s) IIRC, so he cast a line out there. I will say that it wasn’t like the video guy (pretending to be the young girl) started out with anything sexual, but Chris ended up turning it that direction real quick. One of the worst parts was that he was working as a therapist for kids on the spectrum & even sorta used that as bait for building trust. I wish that video hadn’t disappeared, but I get it. I’m sure it got pretty nasty with regard to the backlash from that video.




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Met him at UM NYE in 2011-12. Not a borter, just a FB “Camp Greensky” pedo

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Still tripping form last night, words are still breathing


The space basketball forum started in like 99/00, the og bort started in 01.


Jfc, I didn’t know that shit about the other Bace. His brother Brian is one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.

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those YouTube to catch a predator people are wild these days.


To be honest, and I posted these exact thoughts on here when the ‘story’ broke, but Chris was a super nice guy to me early on. I didn’t join the OG bort until ‘06 despite having been obsessively into the band for over 5 years, and a bort lurker for a few years. We never spent too much time around each other aside from at shows, but I/we did let him crash at our place a couple times. He started to get a little shady and then also overstepped basic boundaries in the home. Just essentially began to take advantage of our kindness. We started to gracefully cut ties with him a handful of years before the predator video surfaced. I have a good friend in Madison (w/wife & kid) who was having similar issues with him, where he’d just pop up and ask to crash, then they’d essentially need to ask him to go home after 1-2 nights. It was very strange how he seemed to be unaware of how he felt entitled to so much when he rarely gave back. :man_shrugging:


I knew a guy who was a follower of the Dead later on, and eventually Phish, who went by the name Tate. Met him during a stint living in a sober recovery house back in 2009. While living there, i met my future wife, and we moved in together rather quickly. I kept in touch with Tate and he asked if he left the sober house, could he stay at our place for a few days to get on his feet and found his own place. I had one buddy that told me, “don’t trust dudes that traveled with bands cuz they’re sketchy when they have to be and when they want to be”. I thought it’d be different. Within a couple days, i found my lockbox(i may have been hustling) fucked with, empty balloons and foils in the bathroom, and this is all while he was only present in the house for a couple hours. I was doing siding at the time and i was staying out of town for the following week, and i was nervous about leaving “wife” by herself but she insisted i go. The first night i was gone, she calls me to tell me that Tate came in the house all excited and showed her a winning scratch off ticket in which he won 50K dollars. Sure enough, he was being honest and after seeing he pic I knew it was legit. He came clean about being a scumbag and promised that he was going to give us a quarter of his winnings for helping him out when he needed it, and he was going to get back into sobriety. The next morning, all his shit was gone along with my lockbox(this cost me more than a grand) that was buried in my closet, that he had to ninja through my bedroom to get while the wife was sleeping. Never heard a peep from him until about 2 years later i got a letter from him, by way of Vienna prison. He scurried off somewhere after he stole my shit, sold his ticket to his dealer for a bunch of heroin, a beater car and 8 grand in cash. He and his brother tried going to California in the car but he blacked out after doing a jab, wrecked, and he got caught with everything. 4 different controlled substances and a bunch of cash, in a car with stolen plates led him to spending some time in prison. He was recently released actually and has remained sober, but that was going to be the last time I helped a wook.


This is why nobody takes UM serious anymore.