Normally I’d say the venue ban isn’t a big deal or that enforceable, but unless he enters those spots in a hat and fake beard he’s probably gonna get caught on those facial scanners lol. Shit is crazy.
yeah I’d imagine not too many venues would be able to actually enforce that. MSG sure can though
They can’t really actively enforce it but if you mess up again and security grabs you up and gets your name then you’re probably looking at trespassing and other charges. Might be enough deterrent to keep someone away.
Also I wonder if some venues will flag your name if you try to buy tickets to a venue you’re banned from.
I just DMOR about the facial scanning stuff. Irresponsible and unnecessary on MSGs part.
the facial recognition has definitely caught people before, I guess it depends on how high this guy is up on the priority list.
But did you get kicked out and banned for life?
I was talking in regards to everywhere else but Dolan’s venues. At his properties there’s no way you get away with it.
gotchya. totally misread your post.
Some guy posted that he brought in a bong to Pretty Lights @ Hampton. Easy way to have security boosted at future events by posting it online
all this bongs at concerts talk makes me think of one of the first times I went to summercamp in 07 when I was 17. Me and my buddy saw a dude just absolutely raging with a bong at moonshine during The Wailers, just spillin water out and everything (but not like in a disrespectful, splashing people way). And thats when we knew that we had arrived to the promised land. We were so young that, up until that point, we were still rollin doobs off in a corner in the woods tryin to hide
The Miracle in Mundelein last year had a free dab booth. It would be cool to normalize bongs/rigs at shows but In hindsight probably not the best idea. My dad got cooked off one dab and was scared for the whole JRAD show.
I took my dad to a dispensary to buy him a disposable pen, and I did a dab there. He wanted to try and I was like nah dad, this is gonna rock your face off and you have to drive in an hour.
I did have to drive him home, I don’t think he will ever have a dab ever again lol
Our check-in question for our weekly meeting at work was to give a pet peeve of yours.
Got a rousing reaction for saying “jam band vocalists”
If that’s how you feel, maybe you should check out an up and coming band named Goose
Homie made Rolling Stone
They were talking about it on the Bob & Tom radio show that I always listen to in the mornings as well.
He will now be known as Bong Ripper for the rest of his days.
He’ll get a few podcast appearances out of this and maybe some sponsorships lol
MSG could ban 90% of Dead and Phish fans if they wanted to