Home Improvement (Bort additions)

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I dont have TIME to read all of these threads. I have a JOB and im not just some DEGENERATE STONER who just sits on a dbmb all DAY!!

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just @ me

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Slow Mode. To decrease the volume of garbage like there was last night in the the 2020 Election thread.

Need some room for bad takes. Not 100 unrelated 2-3 sentence off-topic messages. Especially without any real substance while something interesting is happening.

Maybe restrict it to polical threads.

Read the docs and propose a solution :man_shrugging:

Slow Mode is in the new release which is in the post I replied to. :man_shrugging:

set custom 10 minute slow mode duration for DJT thread, biden thread, miscellanea, and covidā€¦hopefully that is good enough

Damn root. I shoulda read the docs. I hate it. Maybe 5 minutes??

so you are saying you dont want this any more? or that i should change it all to 5 mins?

I dont know man i never wanted to be in charge of these decisions lol

I hear you.

Maybe talking to fuccboi was the right way to go, because they said they plan to take shit to DMs moreā€¦ Iā€™m sorry. I just wanted dude to say more in less posts.

Should probably disable. Iā€™m sorry. :sob:


Where are these docs


its okay. it was only like 15 minutes to do it all and then undo itā€¦but if you keep messing around like this and you will actually get made a mod and given responsibilities. make you start picking up tickets out of the backlog and measuring your points


obvs just teasing

doing dishes is awesome because it means you have food to eat. thank you for everything

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Does Discourse only have api docs and the forum? Iā€™ve tried searching in both for info on the Slow Mode from the latest release. Not a lot of info from a basic search.



looks like fun stuff here too:


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I might try to add video integrations with vimeo soon(ish)ā€¦mostly for Squeaky Feat but also because @hbbubblebath thinks not having it is stupid


Canā€™t wait to see how @GizaButler takes advantage of that new feature.


Upgrading now, so dont panic if site goes down for a couple seconds!


I just requested upload access where the bort can talk to vimeo and upload. should be a few days and then i find out if we got rejected or accepted.

@hbbubblebath trying real hard to make the site less stupid for you


@cshore I did something (mostly) for you. Let me know what you think.
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Bort Annoucement:

We now have integrated video uploads powered by vimeo!

I have never threatened a borter with a ban, but uploading copy-written videos/audio or (any) pornography to the community vimeo account wonā€™t be taken lightly! We can get shut down for DMCA or other legal repercussions. Doing so will result in a ban, for an undetermined period of time depending on the severity of the infraction.

I know a lot of people donā€™t read these posts, so I ask the community to please be diligent about keeping each other accountable and reminding each other that we are subject to vimeo rules when we upload videos here, and the whole site becomes liable when we break them.

Please help keep an eye out for this @jwelsh8 @Southern_Dan @Random_Ass @flyfishmich if you donā€™t mind, and remove anything questionable from a copyright or pornography standpoint immediately.


I hate enforcing rules. This is my least favorite thing to do on this site, but itā€™s for the safety of the community. Take it up with the people that make the laws and not with me please.