Has UM's popularity declined?

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More small theaters and clubs please. They’ll be able to hear us way more clearly when we tell them to jam for more than 4 minutes


I was going to say that in addition to cancellation fears there are also people that don’t want to gather indoors with a bunch of strangers right now.

But yes, totally agree that the newer material is generally meh and the lack of quality jams exacerbates the problem.


Spewin truths on this friday morn


They already got demoted in venue size in my hometown.


I wonder if they ever regret the band name?


When UMBowl happened at the Capitol Theatre the first time, it sold out immediately I remember it was hard to get tickets! I missed out even though I was at my computer right at sale time. And then it took me a bit to find them. This time, it probably isn’t even going to sell out day of show. It’s too bad, but…

Whoever said they alienated their core fans is completely correct. Their compositions and jams now don’t even sound like the same band. They’ve focused too much on trying to cater to the masses, when really their core fans liked them for being a musician’s band. Play Padgett’s the old way, bust out a Q*Bert. Throw down the funk and the jazz. Stop singing so much, you guys suck at it. Play your fucking instruments.


Musicianship for the masses brah :call_me_hand:


@jwelsh8 can you forward this thread to the band? Thanks


Also BMG


I have no doubt their next Philly run will be multiple nights at the new BK Bowl (1k capacity) rather than the Fillmore or Met (2500 and 3500 respectively.)

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Going from back to back years of 2x Palace (granted, definitely under sold) to 1x First Ave, just not good at all.

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Agreed. I don’t remember those palace shows selling poorly however.

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hang out with us more


Umphrey’s McGee could become the greatest comeback story a (mid tier jam) band has ever had. Here’s the formula:

  • “musicianship for the masses” leads to half empty 2k capacity venues. Miami NYE is a dud. The band’s touring popularity is on life support.
  • UM accepts their fate, starts playing 600-800 cap venues
  • after two years of this, they realize free form long jamming is what made them popular, with a four night NYE run @ the Bijou theater in Knoxville being their pinnacle. Their Cornell. Their big cypress.
  • they gain traction again, and play 5k-7k cap venues and summer tour is exquisite amphitheaters with 4 song sets, Kat’s Tune bust outs and incredible jazz odyssey’s

I’ve had way too much coffee this AM


Especially the 2017 “Halloween” shows. I think N2 of 2018 was a bit more thin but I would agree with your assessment (although I was on the floor for all 4 shows).


The jamband scene is collapsing in on itself. Rock music is now a sub-genre in terms of popularity, and jambands are a subsection of that. There’s still new fans coming into the scene, but not as many as there were a decade ago and they’re being drawn to other bands that speak more to the modern musical taste.

Add to that, the band has made one bad decision after another for the past decade. The move towards VIP packages, stale sounding albums, and infrequent tour has hurt their popularity. They didn’t come to be at the height of the scene, Phish hit at the perfect time, Widespread as well. Umphrey’s came along on the slow decline and was able to build up a following through relentless touring and a kick-ass rock show, then they decided to coast along.

The band hasn’t done anything to innovate for the casual fan for a long time. Remember Taper Appreciation nights? Why not bring that back and do a show where the only way you can hear it is to be in the room? How about voting on a cover for the night? They did that one time in Baltimore and we got the cool cover of I Am Trying to Break Your Heart. Do anything that doesn’t require the audience to shell out extra money for a cool experience. I used to defend this band to my hater friends, but eventually I just couldn’t come up with any positives.


The 2017 shows sold pretty well, 2018 was way undersold. This years single First Ave show didn’t even sell out.

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in literally 4 years they went from 3 night sell outs at first avenue to underselling the exact same venue for one night. that’s something you have to try and do.


I’m sure covid didn’t help this year. An undersold First Ave is a great venue. They first sold it out in 2007 though.


yeah, I’m not sure you can judge any attendance right now due to covid.

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That has to be a hit to the ego. I mean, they did 3 night runs there in 2008-10, 2015-2016, with 2 night runs in 2007 and 2011-12. Then 2 night runs at the Palace in 2017-18. What a fall. Oofsize.jpeg