Hall of Fame 2019

I love that Remind Me. Its prolly not gonna make it into my picks, but that first uplifting section that they melt into around 6:30 or so is just real fuckin nice

Idk close call. I honestly would’ve put 3/1 AIT over that linear either way had I remembered

No love for 10/18 Looks? Shorter jam but so tight.

2/14 Blue Echo
2/15 Plunger
2/16 Mantis
3/9 Jajunk
3/21 GYM (RH)
3/29 It Doesn’t Matter
4/3 Intentions Clear
7/3 Similar Skin
8/15 Remind Me
8/29 Wappy Sprayberry

Had a hard time not putting the 8/30 Eat on there since Eat is one of my favorite songs. Might tentatively switch that in for the Remind Me. Too many to choose from. Best UM year since 2011 and possibly ever.


Hate away…


I might just copy @cshore’s ballot, unless anyone can convince me otherwise.

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Be sure to sub out 4/4 Linear for 3/1 AIT like I should’ve done


The FF from that show is miles beyond the Looks for me.

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who cares I wasn’t even at that show

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Those shows were so good though maybe the shows were better as a whole than any single jam. HBB might crack my list. Loved that Kitchen w/ the Australian Lullaby teases tho!

I would say yes. Only because of the Roundabout jam in 7/3. I’m really sick of hearing Jake tease Roundabout.

But the 7/3 version is fuego. That show is my favorite from last year

I remember giving you shit for fluffing that jam that night. I think only because of how high I was on the improv in the second set. But I have since absolutely come around. Incredible jam. Those Jake leads are fucking incredible.


This is great the Plunger vote will split between 2/15 and 8/15 and the Linear vote will split between 4/4 and 7/3 and we’ll end up w/ a FIRE Red rocks Roctopus and Conduit instead


If you don’t vote it’s like you’re voting for 2/15 Plunger


4/4 Linear is solid but still feel like Intentions Clear is the better jam of that show. Also love 3/29 IDM but think the Red Tape from that is the real highlight

Nope. Looks jam was the highlight of the run for me. The kind of peak that the casual listener would have no idea was improv. Seems so composed. Liked the dump and phils from n1 better at the show but now love the looks from n2. Think it would be great for the hall of fame.

That Intentions is from 4/3 but I’m with you, that jam smokes.

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I’m so hard for the 4/4 Linear. This is going to be a tough ballot that will 100% not matter in the long run.

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