Listened to about half of it so far. Dig it.
I left Spotify earlier this year so I don’t have the stats but I can guarantee carousel is my most listened song of the year. What a banger.
Haken was my #1 band this year too
Just spent the last 30 minutes showing my girlfriend cockroach king and explaining vector/virus to her. She is now throwing up so idk if it went well.
Edit: she comes out and says “maybe I caught the virus”
For anyone looking for the cheapest option, I ordered a plain black vinyl from for $28.40 after shipping.
Drum porn
Connor is so dope
It used to be my least favorite, but I’ve suddenly gained an appreciation for Affinity. Been listening to it like every other day the past week or so.
I rock out to 1985 at least once a week
The Architect has their best chorus, bar none.
Also, Lapse is one of my favorite Henshall solos. That and Cocoon.
For some reason I always forget I saw Haken
The Mountain has been my first Haken experience and I’ve been listening to it like once a week since July. It’s really, really good. Top tier prog album. They’ve got lots of material. Where do I go next? I’ve heard that they get heavier and heavier with each album and I’m not really into really heavy stuff but I could definitely go heavier than The Mountain.
Affinity, IMO.
Though after The Mountain I started at the beginning. Aquarius and Visions are also top-tier. A little more Dream Theater-esque though.
Restoration EP or affinity but there is no bad answer. Honestly their “heavy” stuff is not that heavy.