General shit talking (Part 1)

:joy: well I had a good feeling okay

Off to a nice start fer sure

Yeah I’m digging that bass riff that brownie started and now Magner is on board. Tbh there are a lot of times where I don’t know if it’s brownie or Magner, because sometimes brownie doesn’t have his bass on

So, what say yall? Shimmy inverted or dyslexic? My homie says dyslexic. I say inverted. Has to be a song between to be dyslexic, no? Does set break count?

@abyss @cryan024 anybody up lol

I have no idea but it is annotated as ending only on PT, I’d say inverted

Wow this jam is pure gas

Doorbell. Fuckin a what a transition

If it wasnt played again at this show it would be noted as ending only. If they came back to it after a song or later in the show it would be dyslexic. Just wondering if ending to end set and beginning to start next set is technically dyslexic. Seems like inverted to me. But I guess the long pause could be considered dyslexic. Idk

Ahh okay I gotcha

@abyss I’m a little upset you missed that jam

Good call

I’m second guessing myself now, they were right on it, but now I dunno :man_shrugging:

Oh it’s gonna be who’s in charge

Was definitely teased.

Tons of teases tonight though from what I’ve heard. Sitting in my car right now and about to go inside after this post and put it on the speakers. Still could be doorbell though

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This is probably going to be my favorite version of it. That segue into it with the doorbell tease was :ok_hand:t2:

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Yeah, it came out of nowhere

Also, I’m just realizing that Shimmy didnt end set. Def dyslexic

@abyss @cryan024 sorry for waking you up

I could have relayed that info to you, my bad :sweat_smile:

Betty Boop!!!

Oooh I don’t know this one but I like how it starts

Don and Boop tonight! Both havent been played in forever

This is what the Biscuits sound like

I’m into it this is tight

They lost me a few times first set, but this second set has been nothing but :fire: