General shit talking (Part 1)

I think so

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Holy shit. So Moontricks is like some folk/grassy dubstep duo. I got Moontricked by my wookie wife


:joy: have fun man


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I dont even understand what a folk grassy dubstep duo would sound like

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Fuck yeah Magner is doing some cool shit right now

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Its not bad until the womps. Some guy from Gone, Gone, Beyond (?) Just came up and played a song with them. Bragged about being from the “streets of San Francisco”.

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Not the womps!!

This is very fuckin slick. Very shiny.

It shimmers

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I am on board

Could be worse, you could be at a Doom Flamingo show with a Frasco sit-in!!!


I was born in the poop, molded by it.


I didn’t know piss until I was already a man.

That twisted was pretty damn good

I’m very novice but I was jamming along on my guitar, fun as hell

Dude just started freestyling about the other dude crowdsurfing. No one has a bag. This show sucks.

Fuckin woof man

Sounds swell

Should be in NOLA with @jachapman



They did ending only of Shimmy in first set and came out and opened with it 2nd set

This is hot

Jam just started lol