Couch Tour Thread

God damn those would be some steep odds

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If both nights are included I’m going -950

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Should we flood the paypal with Biscuits, Sultan, and KBMG requests? We can show our distain, and still support the band




My S2 theme suggestion was “The Disco Biscuits play No Diablo”


I’m still not sure where I even submit a S2 request. Probably too late for tonight anyways.

me neither. i tried not to mess up. oh well.

i say again… WAP

yea i bet this shit was taped already, at this point it’s just a donation


yes! did those S2 coins ever matter anyway?..

i remember being pretty spun at an umbowl way back convinced that none of the votes mattered and none of the theme suggestions were ever considered and it was just kb back there pulling the puppet strings


where’s the twitch stream at?

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I was wondering this. I thought it was supposed to be live. So was that clip posted on Twitter just a soundcheck jam or something?

i gotchu:


if that was the soundcheck KB would have found a way to monetize it too

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thanks bro lol

I got suggestions through at an UMBowl one year, and at an s2, FWIW

Probably band practice

The band was already there like a couple days ago practicing. LIS this isn’t the biscuits.

I think I am going to hold off on tonight and see how it goes and then maybe will split with someone tomorrow. Want to watch this Bucks game then Game 7.

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Agree RA. Hey Now Everyone! To everyone hear wishing you a great show tonight. If by chance you have ACCESS TO FASTER STREAM than the rest of us PLEASE don’t comment on things we also haven’t seen live! Please let us experience it LIVE WITHOUT YOUR ADVANCED COMMENTARY!

That Said. Looking forward to some LIVE UM!